Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our 2011... Highlights and Video!

I know I say it every year, but it's hard to believe that another year has come and gone! This year was a great one for us.

- Colby continues to grow and amaze us every day with his witty nature and thinking ways. As a baby, he was very "analytical" and I still think that is still very much a part of his nature. He makes us laugh and smile every day. We often say, "Where did that come from?!"

- Jenna is now 2 and this was a big year for her! Toddler bed, no more soother, day surgery for tubes in her ears, first hair cut, and lots of talking are a few highlights! She is so sweet and we absolutely love her giant hugs and kisses!

- Gerry is still very busy and continues to be successful as Parts Manager at AR Williams in Edmonton. He curls Monday nights with his Mixed League and also took my dad's spot for several Thursday evenings as well in the Men's League. He is an amazing dad and I cherish each and every day with my great husband :)

- School is busy... always is. This school year, I am back to working full-time and am enjoying a great class! I am teaching grade 3 again this year and enjoy teaching at Forest Green School with a great staff. It is pretty crazy teaching full-time, but having great family and friends to enjoy a little bit of down time on the weekends is nice!

- The rest of our year consisted of trips to Grande Prairie to visit family, lots of camping trips, a trip to Maui with just Gerry and I, family trip to San Diego in the summer, my cousin, Michelle's wedding, swimming lessons, along with many other great experiences!

Enjoy a (very) brief look at our 2011 in pictures! It's so difficult to choose pictures when I have just a few to pick from ;)

Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2012 filled with love, happiness, and joy!
All the best from Gerry, Lesley, Colby and Jenna xoxo


The Cameron Family 5 said...

Happy New Year Cameron's!!! Love the video!! Wishing you all the best in 2012 :) Love the Edmonton Cameron's

Gerry and Lesley said...

Thank you! Same to you! Wishing you a fabulous 2012 :)