Friday, September 19, 2008

No more dressings... and one more tooth!

It has been a very eventful week and a half... Colby had his 9 month photos at Sears last weekend, which were a lot of fun. Although pictures were a lot easier when he was much younger and didn't move!! LOL! He liked to crawl around and push the toys around instead of sitting/standing still! Too fun... I'm excited to see them when I pick them up in about a week and a half... I'll post a new photo ASAP! That day while we were at the mall, we went looking for a snowsuit for Colby. I cannot believe how little selection there is!! It's unreal! We really had one somewhat-reasonably-priced snowsuit to choose from. There are tons to choose from after size 3 or 4, but very few for infants. We did end up finding one and he looks really cute in it! Now for the winter boots and we're all set for the snow to fly! Well, okay, maybe not ready quite yet!

Since many of you know of our bad sleeping habits lately, we decided to finally try and 'break' Colby of his night waking for a bottle in order to fall back asleep. At first, I chalked it up to a growth spurt, but then after a couple of weeks, realized that it can't possibly still be a growth spurt and he was in a bad habit. So Tuesday night, we let him cry it out. Not so fun. He cried for about an hour in the very early hours of the morning, but eventually fell back to sleep. It was one of the hardest things to lay there and listen to, but we knew it had to be done. Since then, after that one really tough night, it's been back to a wonderful 10 - 10 1/2 hours of sleep for the little man! Yay!!

Colby never ceases to amaze us... on Thursday, he was at my parents' house because Grandma picked him up from the dayhome, as I was coaching our Cross Country Team at a race. He watched his cousin, Landon, for a minute, then decided that he too could climb up the stairs!! Unreal! So yep, he can now climb their entire flight of stairs... it amazes me how he learned to do this, as we don't have stairs in our house that he can use! Those little guys have lots of surprises for us! He got one more tooth today - that makes 3!! I know that his top teeth (about 4 of them) have been bothering him for a while... all you can see is white on his upper gums. Poor guy... I'm sure they're going to start popping out here quickly in the next few days!

An update on the finger burn and dressing changes... we're good to go!!! Colby had his last check-up today at the Wound Clinic and everything looks great and healed perfectly. There is no more need for dressings anymore, which is such a relief! Strangely, while it didn't seem bother him at all, it was a huge nuissance to do the daily dressing changes. Glad he's all healed up and back to 100%!

That's about it... September is always a very crazy month in the school world, so I've been working a lot trying to keep up. I have a really great group of kids and am loving my new staff! They've been so welcoming and I work at a truly great little school! Oh yeah, some fun, exciting news... my class and I were on TV tonight!!! The meteorologist from CTV News, Josh Classen, came to visit my class and the other 5/6 class this afternoon!! He taught us a lot about weather, which is what we're studying in Science right now. He was a lot of fun and we got to be the first CTV Weather Watchers of the new school year!! Such a great time!!

Anyway, have a great weekend everyone!! Enjoy the last bit of sunshine before the cold begins to settle in!

Gerry, Lesley and Colby

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A working mom...

Yep, I guess that's my title now... a working mom! And man, it is sure harder than I thought it was going to be!! I'm having a bit of difficulty adjusting to not spending every second of the day at home with my baby boy, but it seems to be getting better with practice of our new routines. I just hate not having very much time with him! It seems like by the time I get home from school, we eat dinner, it's already bath and bedtime!! :( Colby is adjusting well to the dayhome, but I think he still needs some more time to adjust completely. He seems incredibly tired by late afternoon because I don't think he's napping very well yet. Maybe one day!!?? I'm still hoping! He's very happy and is well taken care of, which is most important to us. Colby's top teeth are sure making life difficult these days! I was thinking for a long time now that they're going to cut through any day, but it just doesn't seem to be happening! His gums are SO white, you can just see them in there! I think that several are going to pop through very quickly! Poor little man!

My first week back to school didn't begin too well, as I was only at school two out of four days! I came down with a brutal sinus infection on the second day of school!! So I was into the doctor and home sick on days three and four. Not a great way to begin with new kids at a new school! Ugh, it was very frustrating, but being away from germs and so many kids for so long sure took a toll on my immune system, apparently! I'm feeling better everyday and continue to take my antibiotics now, so hopefully I'll be as good as new very soon!!

We had a not-so-great weekend last weekend (to top off my sinus infection!), as Colby had his first 'major accident' around the house. He crawled over to his humidifier and put his hand over top of the steam coming out of the top!! I don't know how, but both Gerry and I forgot to unplug it when he got up in the morning!! So needless to say, I have felt like the worst mother in the world because of it. It produced a huge blister, which popped shortly thereafter. Then it was all open and looking rather sore, but it didn't seem to bother him. He was still content and was crawling all around as usual. Finally, we took him in to see the doctor and for this past week, he has had to go for dressing changes every two days at the Stony Plain Hospital Wound Clinic. Horrible! He is so good with them changing it though, just holds his hand out, doesn't cry or anything! So I know he's not in pain, which is slightly helpful. On Wednesday, they said that it's healing really well and the new skin looks great. Luckily it was a first and very minor second-degree burn, which will be fine very soon. Ugh, how guilty can a mom feel?! I felt it!! Although I'm told that that's not the only thing or accident that's ever going to happen!! Yikes!

School is going fine... I have a great staff and class at Forest Green School. While I miss some of the staff members and students at Entwistle School, I sure don't miss the drive. I can't believe how spoiled I am to be able to work for a while after school, get Colby and still be home by 4:30 or whenever I decide to be. It's been a lot of work with two curriculums in the 4/5 split, but everyone is so helpful that I have a great support network whenever needed. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband who has now taken on the title of "Mr. Mom"!! LOL! Gerry is so great at doing things around the house and does so much for me while I do planning, marking, errands, or working out. Thank you! Love you Gerry!

Hope everyone is enjoying our beautiful September!!
Lesley, Gerry and Colby