Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another First... Gotta Love Them!

One of my favourite parts of being a parent is experiencing "firsts" with our kids! Another first today for Colby was his first time on skates! Gerry took him last weekend and got him fitted for skates and a helmet. This morning, we went to the TRI and gave it a go!
He did really well standing up in his skates and was excited to get onto the ice. I was the photographer and Jenna wandered around eating her snacks :) It will take some time to get him more comfortable and having some more balance on his skates, but I'm sure that will come. Gerry of course wants him to try hockey when he's a bit older, so hopefully he'll be interested in that. If not, then he won't. No pressure, right? :) Below are a few photos from his first time out with Dad!
Good job, little buddy! Love you! (Although I think you're growing up a tad bit too fast for Mom!) xoxo