Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2 months old... already?!

I honestly don't know where the time goes, but our little girl is now 2 months old (was last Saturday). She had her first immunizations yesterday morning and did really well. She cried as soon as the pokes went in, but was easily distracted and calmed down quickly with the ringing of a bell. What a trooper... two needles in the left leg and one in the right. I really hate hearing that pain cry... it's very different from any other cry!! She is growing quickly, well weight wise anyway. She is now 10 lbs. 5 oz. (25th-50th percentile) but is only 21 1/4" long (10th percentile). Hmm, I wonder when a big growth spurt will hit and she'll grow a bit longer!! Colby was always on the high end of the scale... I guess it's one more reminder how every child is so different and truly an individual. Jenna is similar to Colby, but different in many ways too. The major similarity is their fussiness in the evenings. Jenna gets most of her napping in throughout the day and is quite fussy in the evenings, just as Colby was. Good thing Gerry is home to help at nights! She is quite a serious little girl, just like Colby was a serious little boy. While she is smiling a bit more often now, it takes a lot to get a little grin. So needless to say, I treasure whenever I see them!! Hopefully they'll come more readily soon! She absolutely hates going into her car seat, which Colby didn't mind. While she usually falls asleep after a few minutes, she makes it very known that it's not her favorite place to be!! Jenna is becoming quite a strong little girl and does very well holding her head up and still enjoys tummy time. She's lifting her head up on her tummy as well. Most of all, she looks adorable in pink! Mommy is really enjoying all of the pink in her wardrobe! :)

This morning was the registration at the Tri Leisure Centre for the Winter and Spring sessions. I knew it would be busy, so we got there a bit early and walked up to a very long line-up waiting for registration to begin. The line up did move pretty quickly once it got going and Colby did really well in the stroller. He is registered for "I'm Big Enough For Preschool" every Tuesday morning beginning in January. It's a one-hour per week program for 2-3 year olds. I hope he'll enjoy it! He is also registered for swimming lessons every Friday night beginning in January. Gerry and I will alternate taking him, but I think he's going to enjoy the lessons again. He really likes going swimming, but it has been a while since his last set of lessons. After the wait, we went to the playgym at the Tri for Colby to run and play with the toys. He loves going to the "paygym" and asks to go there regularly. :)

I am trying to get things organized for Colby's birthday party next weekend. I can't believe our little baby is going to be 2 already!! We're having family and friends over for dinner on Saturday night. It should be a fun (and busy) time with all of the kids coming! :)

Hope you're having a great week!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Road trip!

I know, I know, I often start off my blog expressing my "sorryness" (is that a word?!) for the long delays between posts! I'm really trying to work on this, just need to find some more time in my day... hmm, maybe this should be one of my New Year's Resolutions this year?! :) I really do love having a blog and intend on printing them all out as a record for the kids on their lives and my little "letters" about them.

We have had a busy couple of weeks. Last week it seemed like there was always something to do during the day, which keeps us busy. The staff at school threw me a baby shower, which was so fabulous! It was great to see everyone and visit with adults for a while! Jenna got lots of snuggles and received many beautiful gifts, which we are very grateful for. What a great staff I work with!! I really do miss them... I just don't miss all of the work!! :) Colby has gone to a new dayhome twice now (just for a few hours each time). I have been wanting him to play with other children and socialize with others besides Mommy. He is beginning to adjust, but has been quite clingy lately, so was a bit upset when I left both times. I'm sure it will get better as he gets to know Becky better... she's a parent of a child at my school and is a great lady! :) Since I've been home for about five months now, it's going to take him a little while to get used to being away from me for a few hours a week. He has been quite a resilient little boy, so I'm not concerned at all and am sure he will adapt in no time.

Sadly, we attended a funeral for my Uncle Ronnie on Thursday, November 19. He passed away suddenly... two months after being diagnosed with stomach cancer... so it was a difficult day. He was such a kind and friendly man who will be greatly missed. Friday was the beginning of a very busy and tiring weekend. Gerry and Colby both got haircuts on Friday morning and then we checked out the Festival of Trees at the TLC. It was a lot of fun to do the "centre" activities with Colby. He's learning more about Christmas this year and is of course, understanding more of it being a year older now. We headed home and packed up the truck to make the trek to Grande Prairie! It was Jenna's first road trip up there. It took about 4 1/2 hours this time (with stopping to feed Jenna, change diapers, etc.) so I was happy we left about 1:00 and were able to drive in daylight. We stayed with Gerry's sister, Carmen, and her family and it was really nice to catch up and visit with them and the kids. We saw several other members of Gerry's family too, as we celebrated our twin nieces' birthdays on Saturday. Jenna met her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Alstad, along with more aunts, uncles, and cousins! Kerri and Kailey turned 3 and their Dad also celebrated his 31st birthday! It was a very busy house with most of the family and their kids around!! :) During the day, Gerry and Colby went with Darren and Dylan to Dawson Creek, BC to watch Dylan's hockey game. Colby loved it and now wants to play hockey "just like Dylan"! So cute!! This morning (Sunday) we watched another game of Dylan's in town. They won both games too! Congrats boys! After the game, Colby ran up to Dylan when he came out of the dressing room and gave him a big hug along with a high five, saying "Good game Dylan!" Again, too cute!! :) We headed home about 1:30 this afternoon and had a rough drive home. Colby has a bad diaper rash and some diarrhea, so he cried on and off from Grande Prairie to Fox Creek. I think it might be his 2 year molars bothering him because it hit him really fast and he is fine otherwise (with the exception of really rosy cheeks!) He slept about 30 minutes the entire drive home. From Fox Creek home, he talked... the entire time!! I love it! The things he comes up with are priceless!! It was a great weekend, but very busy. I think we're all going to sleep really well tonight, especially Colby. With two late nights and waking up crying about 4:00 am both nights, he's one tired little boy. Is it bedtime yet?!?

Before we left on Friday, we went to the hospital and weighed Jenna at Public Health since she was 2 months old on Saturday. She weighs 10 lbs. and is 21 1/4" inches. Colby weighed 10 lbs. 4 oz. at 1 month old!! Oh, the differences between every baby, right?! Jenna has her first immunizations on Tuesday morning, so we'll see what their scales say. She's doing well and is becoming quite strong with holding her head up. She is sleeping well at night (usually between 5 and 6 hours, up to eat, and then back down for 2-3 more hours). We certainly can't complain!! It's nice to be getting a bit more sleep now! She has rolled over from her tummy to back a few times while she has tummy time. It's exciting to see her grow and progress, but I can't believe she's 2 months old already. The time is going way too fast!! I'm loving every minute of being at home with our two wonderful children!! Just can't get enough of them!!

When we left for Grande Prairie, there was no snow. When we came home, it's snowy and icy! :( I guess it's time and have to admit that we have been quite spoiled this fall. In GP today, it was very cold (I was not at all prepared!) with a wind chill of -17! Yuck!! Have a great week everyone and stay warm as we adjust to our 'average' fall temperatures again!!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Colby's talk and Jenna's firsts!

Colby continues to amaze us with his talking lately! He is quite a character. Gerry and I went for our H1N1 flu vaccines today because we fit into the category of parents or caregivers with a child under 6 months of age. Gerry really doesn't like needles and he asked Colby if he thought Daddy was going to cry. Colby responded with "No Daddy, I kiss it better." LOL! It was so cute!! He is forming sentences of four or five words, so it's great to be able to communicate so well with him! He is often mistaken for a child much older than him for a few reasons... one being his size! He's still kind of a giant for his age (and always has been at the top of the percentile scales!) and second, for his talking! He's a pretty smart cookie! He picks up on things so quickly and remembers things that are said to him distinctively. He has picked up on counting really quickly and can now say numbers 1-6 in sequence! :) I wonder which side of the family those brains came from... LOL!! :) He is talking to Jenna a lot these days and wanting to "share" his toys with her. I use "share" loosely because he'll often toss a toy or book onto her, perhaps expecting her to pick it up instantly! Then he'll grab it back and say, "No Jenna, too little!" Silly kid! :) It's hard to believe my little man is going to be 2 years old soon... in less than a month! Two year olds definitely have their phases I think... Colby has always been a pretty social child and hasn't ever really played strange or was shy with others. However, lately, he has been sticking pretty close to me and calling for Mommy when there are new people around... hmmm..... I'm sure it will pass soon!

Jenna has had a couple of firsts, which are so exciting! She smiled for the first time on Monday evening for us! It was a little grin, but a smile nonetheless. I can't wait to see more of them and see them get bigger as she grows too! I love big and wide, toothless baby smiles!! She is also now sleeping through the night!! Woo hoo!!! She slept through the night for the first time at 7 weeks old (on Sunday night) and has for the past three nights. Mom and Dad are happy to be getting a bit more sleep now! Although when bedtime for her is about 11 or 11:30 or so, 6:30 comes pretty early when Colby is up for the day. We love it anyway!! Jenna is becoming more vocal herself (and will have to continue to do so to be heard over her older brother!!). I love hearing her coos and sounds when we're "talking" with her. The interaction as she gets older is so fantastic!! While I really wish babies could stay newborn forever, I'm looking forward to continuing to see her grow and develop and interact with everything around her. I love seeing babies explore and discover things in their environment! She is eating really well and is doing much better with her cold. While I think she still has a bit of a cold, it has greatly improved! She isn't coughing as much lately and just has a bit of the sneezes and a runny nose. Hopefully it's on its way out!!

We are going to visit a new dayhome for Colby tomorrow morning. He is going to go just one morning a week or every two weeks. I really want him to play with other kids and give him some play time with others besides Mommy. The lady that he is going to see is actually a parent from my school and while she was full when I went back to work (I called her for childcare back when I got hired at Forest Green), she is now available to do some drop-ins with Colby. Hopefully everything goes well there!! I'll keep you posted!

I have begun exercising again, being 7 weeks post-partum now. I went for my first run this afternoon and it felt great!! I am beginning with some short intervals to build up some endurance again and taking it slow to prevent injuries. Here's hoping it continues to go well! Gerry continues to enjoy curling on Monday nights. While it could potentially be a bit crazy to do bedtime with both kids alone, I've been pretty lucky so far. Jenna is usually napping while I'm bathing Colby. Whew! Thank goodness! I'm sure that won't continue for much longer though... hopefully it continues to be this easy! :)

Have a great rest of the week everyone. I hope you're enjoying this "above seasonal" weather... I know we are!!

Gerry, Lesley, Colby and Jenna

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

6 week check up!

I know, I can't believe it, but Jenna is 6 weeks old already! We both had our 6 week check ups yesterday (Monday) and we're both doing fine! Jenna is the complete opposite of her brother so far... very tiny for her age! Colby was always in the 90th - 95th percentile for height and weight, so it's much different this time around! Jenna now weighs 8 lbs. 7 oz. (10th %ile) and is only 20.1" (not even on the charts yet!) She's eating well and everything, just on the smaller side for now. I was a VERY large baby, so maybe she'll catch up?!? She is sounding much better each day, which is such a relief! It is hard to see your children sick, let alone her being only 6 weeks old. With everything going around right now, I was pretty worried! She has to go back to the Stony Plain Hospital on Monday for a repeat chest x-ray to follow-up. Hopefully it will show improvement in her lungs. Fingers crossed!! I'm excited to see her grow into her own little beautiful girl! She should start smiling in the next little while, so I can't wait for that! I love it when babies can finally begin to smile!! She is a pretty content little girl and we are loving having her as a new addition to our family!

Her big brother, Colby, is sure loving having her around too. When he gets up in the morning, he always looks for her first and wonders where she is if she's still sleeping. "Jenna go?" is his first question. I love hearing him say, "I wuv you Jenna"!! He's a great big brother and is doing much better every week. Now that we are settling into a routine, he doesn't have as many timeouts or frustrations, which is great too. He's quite the kid!! I am trying to capture some of his sayings and conversations on video, but it's too hard! He's pretty quick to move away (and camera shy) when the videocamera comes out! Yesterday, I asked him what he was doing and he replied, "Just hangin' out Mommy"!!! LOL!! I couldn't stop laughing, it was SO cute! Tonight Gerry asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up... he has big aspirations to be a COW!!! He loves animals and animal books, but cows are definitely his favorite. He'll tell you that cows eat hay bales and say moo!! What a character! I love that we're able to communicate so well with him and he can talk quite well for his age!!

We are enjoying some more nice days of fall and going for walks to the park, usually in the afternoons. Colby loves going to the park, swinging, sliding, and running in the field with a ball. He's usually pretty tuckered out and ready for bedtime when we come home!! It sounds like this nicer weather will stick around until the end of the week, for sure. Not sure after that...

On Thursday night, Tracy and I are going to Gerry's cousin, Amanda's concert at the Winspear. She plays at the University of Alberta, where she is currently attending school. Tracy said it was a great concert last year and I'm looking forward to it this year and seeing the family too! This weekend I have a bridal shower for my cousin, Leanne, who is getting married in Mexico this month and then out for our niece, Kendra's first birthday party! I can't believe she's one already... my how time flies! For the past few weeks, both of my sisters and I were all on maternity leave at the same time!! Crazy, hey?! Jody heads back to work tomorrow, so we all won't be off together anymore. It's so great to have our kids so close in age!! I love it!! Our parents' house is very busy when we are all there! Our family has sure grown quickly. In just over four years, there has been three weddings and five grandchildren!! Whew!! We went from a family of 5 to a family of 13!! Lucky Mom and Dad, I say! :)

Have a great rest of the week, everyone!
Gerry, Lesley, Colby and Jenna

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jenna's Baptism!

Today, Sunday, November 1st (All Saints Day), was Jenna's baptism. It was a very special day, as she became a child of God and was baptized into the family of Christ. It was extra special to see our little girl wearing the same baptismal gown that my sisters and I all wore when we were baptized. It is quite an old gown (30 years old), but still looks beautiful!! We had about 40 friends and family back at our house for a delicious lunch after church. It was great to see and visit with everyone. The kids played really well downstairs, which sure helped on a "no nap day". Thank you to all who helped us celebrate Jenna's baptism!

It was a very busy week preparing for Halloween and Jenna's baptism. Thankfully we had a few nice days too, so we were able to get outside and play at the close neighbourhood park! All week, Colby was very excited about his costume and told everyone that he was going to be a cow and that cows say "moo"! Jenna dressed up as a caterpillar and was the cutest caterpillar in town!! We got the kids dressed up after dinner and Gerry took Colby out to a few neighbor's houses. Then I took him out to a few more houses before we headed to Auntie Colleen and Uncle Greg's house for a visit. Finally, we headed to my parents' house and met my sisters, brothers-in-law, and the kids there. It was great to see my niece and nephews in their costumes too... and we attempted to get a good picture of all 5 grandchildren at Halloween 2009. Easier said than done!! LOL! Anyway, they all looked absolutely adorable!!

This was a bit of a stressful week with Jenna fighting a virus of some sort. While she has been very "mucusy" since birth, I was beginning to become more concerned this week, as she was quite "rattly" in her chest and was breathing a bit quicker. Luckily, my doctor saw her right away and said there is definitely some congestion there. She sent us to the Stony Plain ER for an O2 saturation reading. Everything was fine there with about 99% O2 sat. The doctor wanted to do a few more tests just to make sure it was nothing more. He ordered a chest x-ray on her. Mommy cried a little bit seeing Jenna in this terrible-looking contraption to keep her still and sitting straight up for the x-rays. Thankfully it didn't take too long and she was out of it. The results indicated an abnormal chest x-ray and some "lung markings". The radiologist's report said there is some inflammation on one of Jenna's lungs. So the ER doctor recommended we start feeding her less formula at each feeding (down to 3 oz. and just more often if needed) as he things she is aspirating (some milk is going into her lungs). She had some ventilin at the hospital to try and clear her airways in hopes that it would help release and clear out some phlegm and stuff in there. Whew... 5 hours later, we were able to go home and get a prescription for a puffer (to clear airways at home too). Hopefully she'll be on the mend soon... I think she's already doing much better since Friday morning and hasn't been as "rattly" as she was a few days ago. It's always terrible to see your kids sick... although besides sounding terrible, she looked fine and was just a bit more irritable and fussy. No more hospital visits with my kids, please!!!

Tomorrow Jenna and I have our 6-week checkups! I can't believe my baby girl is 6 weeks old already. While she's growing like crazy and getting bigger, I can't believe how quickly the time is going. I suppose it goes pretty fast when I couldn't do much for the first while and was dependent on so many other people!! I'll keep you posted on how our checkups go tomorrow. Enjoy the week ahead, everyone!
