Monday, July 20, 2009

Keeping busy...

Where has the time gone? I can't believe it's already July 20th! Good thing I'm not heading back to school in the fall... usually I take July off and then start thinking about school again in August! Colby and I have been keeping quite busy during the days while Daddy's at work. Usually our outings are in the mornings (before lunch and naptime in the afternoon). Colby (and Mommy!) need to stick to a regular napping routine! LOL! On Wednesday morning, we went swimming at the Tri with friends Tara and Logan. Colby is a HUGE fan of the water (or should I say "otter") and doesn't like to be held or hold Mommy's hand in the water. We stopped in at the playgym for a while afterwards and then headed home for lunch. On Thursday morning, we took in the Capital Ex parade! It was fun with my cousin Leanne and her son, Connor, Tara, Logan, Tanya (Tara's sister), and her two kids, Madalyn and Justin. It was crazy driving downtown, but well worth it, as the kids had fun!! On Friday, Colby and I went to the new Play Park in Spruce Grove and the playgym for a bit with "Atty Kisty" (Auntie Kristy) and "Annie" (Landon). The huge new Play Park is a bit too 'old' for the boys yet. Soon it will be better for them. We got ready to go camping in the afternoon and finished packing the trailer for another weekend away!

We headed down to Jarvis Bay Provincial Park (near Sylvan Lake) for the weekend and met our great friends, Mark and Corinne Koppel, for the weekend. They live in Strathmore and we met in 2003 when I first moved down there. It was great for Colby to play with their boys, Matthew (5) and Cameron (3). We went to the waterslides on Saturday on a very hot and busy day and then to the beach on Sunday morning before packing up and heading home. I've decided weekends are much too short!! It's a beautiful campground with large sites, so we'll definitely head back there soon!!

We are continuing to work on Colby's new "big boy room"... slowly, but surely. His new bedding and matching decor wall hangings arrived from the States, which is so exciting!! Now we can work on putting it altogether. I need to get some curtains and the blind has been ordered, so hopefully soon!! He gets excited when new things go in there, so hopefully the transition will go as smoothly as possible! He's such a funny kid... he loves to play cars, trucks, choo choos... it doesn't matter! He always seems to be driving something on the floor! It's pretty cute! I really enjoy hearing the sounds he makes and the little chatter he does when he's playing!

On the baby front, I'm feeling very large these days!! I think all of my June stress eating and staff room snacking at school has caught up to me in the past two weeks!!! Ah well, right?! Sure, we'll go with that! The baby continues to be very active in the evenings when I go to bed. It has been very fun knowing that she is a girl, as I've been watching for sales and have already picked up a few things here and there (mainly sleepers for when she first arrives)! Gerry's quite nervous that having another girl in the family (combined with my shopping habits) is going to seriously affect his wallet!! LOL!

Hope everyone is enjoying this heat wave... looks like it's going to stick around for a while! I'm thankful for our cooler basement on the really hot days when it's a nice 26 degrees or more upstairs! Ugh...
Talk soon.
Gerry, Lesley, and Colby

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dr. appt.

I had my 28 week check up yesterday morning and everything is still fine with the newest baby Cameron. My weight gain has slowed down slightly (thank goodness!) and I'm measuring only 1 cm bigger than I am in weeks, so my doctor said that's fine. The heartbeat is holding steady each time and was 142 bpm yesterday. She had a difficult time finding it at first because the doppler kept picking up both mine and the baby's heartbeat. Once it was distinguished, then it was fine. My next appt. isn't until August 5th and then I start going in every two weeks. Colby and I met friends Tara and Logan at the playgym after the doctor appt. and the kids had a great time there! Colby loves the different toys and always has fun. He actually gets pretty upset when it's time to leave. We're hoping to take the kids swimming one day next week, so that will be fun!

This morning Colby and I had some company... we had a playdate with cousins Kendra (Jody), Connor (Leanne), Hailey and Kayden (Mandy). Colby was SO excited to see Connor today and they played great together! He sure has missed his Connor since he doesn't go to Leanne's house everyday now! We'll have to make more playdates throughout the summer before Leanne goes back to work in the fall. He made sure to give everyone a "Mah" (what he says when he gives a kiss!) when they were leaving! Super cute! When Colby gets up from his nap, we are going in to Gerry's work for a quick visit and then off to Toys R Us. They have an outdoor adventure climber on sale this week that we want to look at for the backyard. It's always fun to go to Toys R Us!! :) We're hoping to have a productive weekend around the house and do some major organizing of the basement rooms and cleaning out of Colby's new room. Hopefully all goes according to plan!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Camping fun!

Well the school year has officially ended again! And now I'm out of school for 14 months!! Teachers really plan these kinds of things, you know... off for the summer, then mat leave starts end of August, baby in September, off for another year! :) Life is great! My summer has been off to a great start! We began our camping trip on Tuesday night after Gerry got home from work on Tuesday, June 30th. We headed down to Gull Lake... gorgeous pull-through sites, wonderful campground!! Gerry stayed Tuesday night and Wednesday and headed back for work on Thursday and Friday. Colby and I stayed with my mom, sisters, niece, nephew, aunt, cousin, and her friend. So Colby and Landon were surrounded by girls! :) We had a great time... Colby absolutely LOVES being outside and playing in the dirt, pushing toys, and staying up too late! LOL! Gerry was back on the weekend with the rest of the guys and we had a wonderful weekend! The weather was good and everyone had a great time!

It has been so great spending time with just Colby this week! I LOVE being at home!! The basement is coming in very handy already with lots of space to run and lots of toys to play with! We have a great routine (which includes some sleeping in... finally... after many months of 6am wakings!) and I'm loving my time with him. I know the summer will fly by and soon we will be greeting our little girl, so we're soaking up the family time as much as we can! We are working on emptying Colby's new room into the basement (moving the office into the scrapbooking/craft room downstairs). It's quite a job!! His bedding is finally ordered and en route to Canada, which is a relief! That has not been much fun!! I'm excited for it to arrive and to start decorating his new big boy room. We have his toddler bed set up in here right now for him to get used to it, so that's going fine. Hopefully the transition will be relatively smooth! Fingers crossed!

He is such a character and makes us laugh! He is quite the chatterbox and is imitating everything we say... we really need to be careful what we say around him! One of my new favourite things is when I go into his room in the morning when he first wakes up, he says, "Morning" in the cutest little voice!! So cute!! He doesn't say "yes" yet, but instead, it's always "Mmm hmm" or "Uh huh"! Pretty funny! At least there's a break from "no" sometimes lately! :) He can point to many body parts and is putting together two and three word phrases. It's crazy how much he remembers!! He's growing up too fast... especially when I think about him being an older brother in less than 3 months!! But it's going to be great to see him in that role, too!

I'm feeling pretty good these days... into my 3rd trimester and am 28 weeks now. I'm not sleeping very well at night lately, so that's rather frustrating and makes for some tiring days, but all in all, feeling good. Back to walking more often (with more time these days!) and I just began a prenatal aquafit class again tonight. I go back to the doctor on Thursday for another checkup. Almost time to start going every two weeks!! It's unreal how quickly this pregnancy has gone!!

Tomorrow we're going to meet Tracy, Blake, and Emerson at e-children and a lunch date! Looking forward to that! We don't live very far apart, but it seems like it's so long in between visits! :( Hopefully they'll be more regular now with us both off! Then tomorrow night we are going to celebrate my grandma's 92nd birthday at the home. She is still doing well - can't believe she's 92!! She has certainly lived a great life! I know we really need the rain, but it's putting a damper on our outside playing time! Hopefully we can balance a bit of both in the days to come! Hope everyone's July is off to a good start!
