Sunday, May 31, 2009

Whew... what a weekend!

As you can see from the title, this past weekend was no different than any other. It was a little busier, but still, the time flew by so quickly. And before I know it, it's Sunday night and we're trying to get ready for the work week ahead!

We did have a great weekend... Saturday morning we went to the Farmer's Days Parade in Stony Plain. We met up with some family and friends on the route and it was so great to see the kids enjoying it! At last year's parade, Colby was just 6 months old, so this year was quite a different experience. He sat contently through the entire thing just watching everything pass by. He sure enjoyed seeing the "wee ooh wee ooh" (aka fire truck)!! After the parade, we headed to the fair grounds for some kiddie fun! They had a kids zone there with a petting zoo, face painting, tractors, and toys. Colby liked the goats, but wasn't such a huge fan of the other animals! He also enjoyed the slide and digging in the big bucket of oats for toys! We came home for a very overdue nap mid-afternoon. While he napped, we got ready for our evening out at Kathryn and Santiago's wedding reception. This was the wedding we didn't attend in Colombia, so we were excited to go to the reception. It was absolutely gorgeous... beautiful location, they looked great, and the video of the wedding ceremony in Medellin was beautiful. Colby enjoyed a sleepover at Auntie Kristy and Uncle Kyle's house and behaved very well, by the sounds of things! As he usually does, he slept in for them this morning... until 8:20 am!!! Hmmm, we can't get him to sleep past 7:15 most weekend mornings... :) Today (Sunday) included attending a baby shower for my cousin's wife and son, heading to school for a very productive 1 1/2 hours, and then home for dinner and a quick visit to my parents' house before bathtime and bedtime.

I really actually enjoy bathtime with Colby... he is such a kid of routine that he knows exactly what's coming and is usually very well behaved at bedtime. Often, he'll pick out a book, lay down on his back for his diaper, jammies, lotion, etc., and then climb into the rocker for a story or two. It's definitely some great cuddly time with Mommy or Daddy!!

We brought out Colby's potty this morning! I know he's only 18 months (well, not quite), but as his vocabulary is growing, he has been saying "Poopy bum", getting cranky, and holding his diaper right after he poops. So we set it up in the bathroom for him to explore and get used to. I'm not going to pursue anything until I'm home this summer, so in about a month or so. I really don't think it'd be good to try anything while he's still going to the dayhome. He has definitely been showing signs of readiness, so we'll see what the near future brings!!

Speaking of his vocabulary, our little man continues to bring smiles, laughter and joy to our lives every minute. He is talking like crazy (I think my list was about 25 words long) and it's SO adorable! While he still really likes the word "no", he is defintely saying more than just no these days. I love how excited he gets to see Mommy and Daddy and I love watching him play and interact! He continues to do so well at the dayhome, which brings me peace when going to work. I'm really looking forward to being home in a month (20 teaching days to be exact!) with him before the baby comes. He has grown so much and quickly in the past few months that I just want to hang out, read, play, bake, clean, and the list goes on... together! He loves to clean and it's really quite cute how much he loves the vacuum cleaner. Colby needed to do most of the vacuuming in his room today (without Daddy's help!) so of course, I quickly snapped a few photos! Good scrapbooking topic, right?!

Anyway, I better go get organized for tomorrow... we are loving the warmer weather lately and now, would just like for the wind to go away!! Enjoy your week, everyone!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Busy, busy!

I can't believe how quicky time flies by! They say "Time flies when you're having fun" and while I believe that's true, I also believe that time flies by when you're exhausted!! That explains the past few weeks for me... May and June are always very busy times with school and with report cards looming ahead, I have found myself up quite late most nights by the time Colby is in bed, the house is somewhat cleaned up, and school work is kind of done.

Our weekends have been really busy lately! It seems like they fly by so quickly too. I look forward to our weekends together as a family because sadly, we have such little time together during the week. One of the highlights of May so far was our first camping trip for 2009! We went to Cynthia RV Campground (west of Drayton Valley) on May Long. While we had fairly nice weather for most of the weekend, we got a huge surprise on Monday morning with about 8" of heavy, wet snow!! Yuck!! What a mess to clean up and pack in! I've never seen snow like that on May Long before, so hopefully now we're finally on to spring!!! Colby absolutely loved being outdoors, doing whatever! He enjoyed going for walks, playing at the park, playing in his "wee ooh, wee ooh" (aka fire truck), driving Landon's quad, and running around in general! It's so great to see him playing so well outside... I think he'll definitely need a big boy quad in the future!! He sure enjoyed the two little rides Mommy took him on the quad! Thankfully Colby sleeps really well in the trailer and even let us sleep in until 7:30 one morning!!!! Thank goodness for bed rails on the bunk bed, but apparently that couldn't even keep our monkey in! When I went to check on him at naptime, he had jumped out of the bed over the bed rail and was fast asleep on the blankets and cushions we had on the floor, just in case! Thank goodness they were there!!

Colby continues to amaze us everyday with his growing personality. He sure can be a stubborn little boy sometimes. Gerry thinks he gets that from his Mom... could he be right?! :) When he wants something, he will fight until he gets it or gets too tired to keep fighting. He is also teething right now with some more eye teeth, so he hasn't been the happiest kid on the block for a couple of days. He is talking more and more! It's unbelievable how much he imitates us! He loves to say new words and I think it's great!! I love hearing him say new words!! What a great little man we have! :)

I had another doctor appointment last week and everything is fine with our little baby. The heart beat was down to 132 bpm (it was never that low with Colby), but still in the normal range. I was measuring 23 cm already... at 21 weeks!!! Yikes!! I knew I felt bigger this pregnancy, but not that much. Oh well, hopefully it will all even itself out!! :) I'm feeling a lot of movement, which is one of my favourite things about pregnancy. I love feeling the baby move and kick... such a special feeling. Besides being pretty tired with work, I'm feeling great. Only 5 more weeks of school left until I'm home with Colby and preparing for Baby!! :) Yippee!!

Tomorrow night, I am having a girls night out with a bunch of girlfriends... we are heading to Sexy Gals in the City at Jubilations!! I'm really looking forward to it and I think it will be a great time! The weather is supposed to warm up this weekend too, so fingers crossed for sunshine and no more snow!! :)


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Baby's ultrasound!

I'm becoming really bad at keeping up with these blog posts, so please forgive me! I really don't know where the time goes, but every evening seems to be jam-packed lately with housework, let alone keeping up with planning, marking, and report cards! Our weekends have been very busy lately... with company, family time, and things around the house. We had our carpet installed in the basement a couple of weeks ago, so we are very excited to finally have more usable space in our house! It's amazing how much room it adds! We went to IKEA a couple of weekends ago and got a large storage cabinet for the basement. It now houses a lot of Colby's toys, which has made a lot more room upstairs! Colby is absolutely loving the new play area! He wants to play downstairs whenever we're at home, which is great! Next steps include painting and installing the doors and baseboards. One day.....!

Colby is growing so much! I'm really curious to see how tall he is and how much he weighs in about a month when he goes for his 18 month immunizations. He is a solid little boy, so I'm curious to see just how big he has become! He sure is heavy when I pick him up and carry him for a bit!! Things are going so well with the dayhome situation! He is SO happy to play with Connor all day! My cousin, Leanne, comes and gets him in the morning when she drops off Christian for school, and then I pick up Christian and go to their house to bring Colby home. Colby is very excited when Auntie Leanne comes in the morning and can't get out the door fast enough it seems! Rather sad for Mommy, but it's good that he's excited to go to their house, too. It's a great system and I'm glad it's working. It cuts down on the driving and the extra trip to Spruce Grove and back in the morning! Colby's vocabulary is expanding rapidly these days! He is trying to imitate everything we say and do, which is really cute! I am really looking forward to the beginning of summer when I will be home with Colby all day. I'm can't wait for the time with just the two of us before the baby comes in September!

Speaking of the new baby in September, we went to our ultrasound on Monday, May 4th! It was great to see the newest little baby Cameron! We didn't find out the sex (and didn't want to). The ultrasound tech said its legs were together and it was moving around too much to tell. We didn't get a very good photo to bring home because it kept moving all over. It's always fun to watch it for a few minutes after all measurements and checks are done. The heartbeat was 143 bpm. It was moving and kicking and I really enjoy watching it on the screen! Gerry and Colby came into the room after the measurements, etc. Colby didn't really know what to think... he was a bit hesitant to come into the room (as it's a bit dark in there), and was confused why I was lying on the bed. He did watch the screen with Gerry holding him and said "Baby" a few times. I'm not sure if he really quite understands yet, but I'm hoping that as we continue to talk about the baby more and my belly continues to grow, it will become more of a reality for him. We are going to get him a little baby friend to help foster some "gentleness" in our little man!

I'm hoping Gerry is feeling better soon... he came home from work today with what we think is the flu. Hopefully it's not the swine flu! He doesn't get sick very often, but when he does, it hits him hard! Poor guy, hopefully he can rest lots tomorrow when the house is quiet and be back to 100% very soon.

Take care everyone. Talk soon,