Friday, February 29, 2008

Road trip!

Colby had his first big road trip last weekend (February 22-24)! We went up to Grande Prairie to visit Gerry's family up there. We stayed at Grandma Bev's house and had a great time visiting with her. We also saw Auntie Carmen, Uncle Darren, Kourtney, Dylan, Kerri, and Kailey. Thanks for a great dinner Friday night! Saturday night, Colby got to meet his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Alstad and several other aunts, uncles, and cousins! It was so great to see everyone again and I'm glad they got to meet the newest addition to the Alstad family. While we were at Grandma and Grandpa Alstad's house, I took several pictures (surprise, surprise!) of family with Colby. I also got my first photo with a true smile on Colby's face!! I was so excited, as he usually doesn't smile when the camera is out!! He travelled quite well and slept for the majority of the trip, but the last 1 1/2 hours each way was pretty tough on him. He didn't want to be in his car seat anymore, so he was a bit fussy. He was pretty happy to be home, I think.

We had a relatively quiet week this week, which has been nice. On Wednesday, Colby got to play with Auntie Tracy and Blake for a while, as they came to visit! It's always great to see the "Edmonton Edition Cameron's"! While it's not as often as I'd like, hopefully we'll see each other again soon before Tracy heads back to work in a couple of months. Since Colby is able to hold his head up really well now, he went in his Exersaucer for the first time last night!! He was pretty unsure about all of the new toys all around, but was interested in a few of them! He is able to touch the bottom, so that's a good start to being able to move in there! Tomorrow (Sat., March 1st), Colby and I are going to a baby shower for my friend, Irene, who had a beautiful baby girl, Evangeline, four weeks ago. We're very excited to meet Evangeline and plan some Mommy and Baby dates with Irene!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Little Swimmer!

Friday, February 15th was Colby's first time swimming! It was the first day of our "You and Me Baby" workout class in the pool. It's so cute... all of the babies sit in these floaters and go along with the mommies as we do a variety of cardio workouts. His little swimmer diaper was huge, but quite cute. He did really well until about half way through when he got tired (as it's his usual naptime). By the end of class, he was screaming, as he was overtired and just wanted to go sleep! Hopefully next week goes a little better! Next week we're going to wear our new Tommy Hilfiger red swimming trunks that his daddy needed to buy for him! Real men wear trunks apparently and not just a diaper!! :)

Hope you're enjoying the beautiful weather!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Two months old... already!!??

Today, February 7th, Colby turns 2 months old! I cannot believe it! It seems like he just arrived and already my baby boy is so big! Sometimes I wish they can stay tiny for longer!! While he continues to change so quickly, my absolute favorite things so far is how he still likes to cuddle when he's tired, be rocked in the rocking chair, and smiles when I go and get him out of his crib every morning. While he's still not smiling very often yet, when he does, it absolutely melts my heart! So sweet!! We are finished one session of "Fit Moms" at the Tri-Leisure Centre and have enrolled in the next session of "You and Me Baby". This time we go three times per week and continue on the track and in the gym, but also add a pool workout on Fridays. I'm looking forward to starting this on Monday. Hope everyone's doing well! Continue to stay warm! Hopefully this weather turns around soon! I can't wait to get outside and hit the paths of Stony Plain again soon!

Take care,