Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our Top 25 of 2010

2010 has been another fabulous year... here are some highlights and our "top 25 of 2010"

25. Lesley returned to work after 1 year maternity leave and teaches Grade 3
24. Lesley completed first 10 km race - Rotary Run in September
23. Fencing our yard so the kids can play more safely... love the privacy!
22. Camping nearly every weekend in the summer... with a generator or power :) (way better than camping without!)
21. Learning to make donuts and popcorn over the fire and buying the equipment to make our own... yum!
20. Joining to Mac world with our new MacBook Pro laptop. LOVE it!
19. New vehicles - sold "White Lightning" and bought a 2003 Chevrolet 1500HD truck in April and a 2011 Volkswagon Jetta in November
18. First trip to Las Vegas in February to celebrate Gerry's 30th birthday
17. Celebrating Jenna's 1st birthday and Colby's 3rd birthday
16. Reading and fostering a love of reading in our kids
15. Cooked our first Christmas dinner... was delicious too!
14. Trip to Strathmore to visit friends
13. Almost bought a puppy... whew! Thank goodness we came to our senses!
12. Summer holidays with Daddy at home
11. Enjoying the excitement and pure joy of Christmas with family and friends
10. Continuing family traditions
9. Family movie nights on rainy camping nights
8. Building sandcastles and playing at parks
7. Kids' snuggles, hugs, and wide-open-mouth kisses
6. Being a kid everyday and playing... coloring, play doh, cars, dress-up, tobogganing, you name it!
5. Teaching Colby to ride a bike - he LOVES his bike!
4. Seeing Jenna crawl, walk, and talk for the first time
3. Watching Colby and Jenna grow into the beautiful, more-and-more independent kids they are everyday!
2. Love and time spent with family and friends
1. Capturing amazing memories in pictures!

We are so blessed to have had a wonderful 2010. Looking forward to a fantastic 2011! Wishing you a 2011 filled with joy, love, health and happiness!

Happy New Year, everyone!
Gerry, Lesley, Colby, and Jenna

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Merry Little 'Green' Christmas Letter

This year, I decided to save a few more trees and do a 'green' Christmas letter! At school, we've been using a great program to create videos from photos and text, so I thought I'd try it for this project of mine! I created an Animoto video of photos from the year 2010, which tells the story of our year with a few highlights!

Turn up the volume and Enjoy "Our 2010 in Pictures"!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Colby is 3!

I can remember December 7, 2010 as clearly today as if it were yesterday! I can't believe our little man is 3 years old already! Happy birthday, Colby!! You are an amazing little guy who brings so much laughter, love and joy to our lives everyday. Mommy and Daddy love you so much... but secretly wish we could slow down time to keep you little for longer!! Fingers crossed!!

Colby truly is a wonderful kid. I love his expressions and often wonder, "Where did that come from?" He had his 3 year check-up on Monday and is doing well, as usual. Colby is 40.5" tall (90%ile) and is 35.4 lbs (80%ile). The doctor said he's doing great developmentally, so we have no concerns! :) Colby is a great big brother and really looks out for Jenna and loves playing with her. I love hearing him say, "Jenna, come play Aquadoodle (or trains... or insert topic here) with me!" So great to hear and see them playing together!!

He absolutely LOVES Toy Story right now, so it's only natural that he chose to have a "Buzz Party". On Sunday afternoon, we had 36 family and friends at our house to celebrate Colby's birthday. It was a great afternoon/evening with playing downstairs, "Pin the Sheriff on Woody" game, pizza for supper, Buzz and Woody cake and a little man spoiled with gifts. Thank you, everyone for coming!! He is one lucky guy!