Monday, August 30, 2010

All great things must come to an end...

I had an amazing 14 months off work, but as the old saying goes, "All great things must come to an end". Today is my first day back at school after my maternity leave with Jenna. The start of a new school year begins with two PD Days before the students arrive on Wednesday morning. I truly have mixed feelings about returning to work... I wish we could afford for me to stay home with our kids full-time, but in reality, that's not an option right now financially. On the other hand, I really do love my job (but secretly wish it wasn't so much work!!) and enjoy it. I grew up with both parents working and I think it's important for our kids to be around other children too, so I know everything will work out fine. I'm sure the transition will be tough for the kids at first with the new dayhome, but if I learned anything from my first year of having Colby in dayhomes, kids are pretty resilient! They will adapt and do great at Becky's, I'm sure!! Fingers crossed for a good first week! :)

Gerry took Thursday and Friday off last week as holidays, which was SO nice!! I've been putting in quite a few hours at school in the evenings, but with him home on Thursday, I spent most of the day at work. The kids loved having Daddy at home! I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband who supports everything I do and puts the kids to bed when I'm at school or if I can't be home. Gerry, you're truly the best dad in the world and your kids ADORE you (just like I do!!) We had a fun weekend of playing, going swimming, and doing a bit of shopping! So good to have some family time before the craziness of fall hits. As I've mentioned before, I'm worried about balancing everything, but just keep reminding myself to be the best wife, mom, and teacher I can be, while still making some time for myself.

I achieved a personal goal yesterday that I'm SO excited about!! I finally ran 10 km!! I am racing in the 10k Rotary Run on September 12th in Stony Plain and wasn't feeling ready (truly... had fallen off my "running bandwagon") so needed to get serious again and had a great run late yesterday afternoon. Yay... such a great feeling. Just need to continue it and look forward to race day. My Goal = Finish! :)

We are in major transition mode with Jenna... she has switched over to Homo milk now, so no more making up formula for us! She loves milk and is doing really well with it. Also, we are trying to eliminate her bottles... so far, we have eliminated her naptime bottle, so we'll keep working on the others. One last transition... into one nap a day instead of two. She seems so young (much younger than Colby) to drop her morning nap, but if she sleeps in later in the morning, it just doesn't work. Hopefully we can figure out her schedule now with the new routine of going to the dayhome everyday. She's growing up way too quickly... planning Jenna's 1st birthday party has only reminded me of this! How can my baby girl be one already!?!

Colby is doing great on his bike... it's so cute (and yes, brings tears to Mommy's eyes watching him!) He loves riding his bike and is really good at stopping, starting, and walking his bike across a road. I think he really enjoyed having Gerry home at the end of last week and was needing some Daddy time! We are still working on his "behavior" and are all hoping this "phase" soon passes! It's very draining and I truly hope he is good at the dayhome for Becky. Kids are always better for others, right?! :)

Have a great week, everyone!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

End of August Already?!

No new puppy...
Yes, you read it right... we are no longer getting a puppy. We decided that right now is not the best time for our family. I am returning to work very soon and we don't have the time to commit to a puppy with having a very young family right now. Colby also didn't understand (or like the idea) that the puppy is going to grow up to be very big. He says he wants a "Teddy" puppy (Kristy and Kyle's small dog), not a big puppy. So, he's clearly not ready and I'm very happy with our decision to keep our family the way it is now. :) Maybe when our kids are a bit older we'll think about it again, but for right now, it's not the best thing for us.

Camping season is over for us...
After being away from home for 7 weekends in a row (from July to mid-August), we went on our last camping trip last weekend to Wabamun Lake Provincial Park. It was a good last weekend (other than the fact Jenna got a cold and Colby became ill too). We really love how close it is to Wabamun and it has great features like beautiful sites (we're partial to one loop in particular!), great playgrounds, and of course, our kids love the beach! We truly love camping and love going places as a family! However, 7 weekends away in a row might be a bit much for me! Mental note for next year! LOL! The kids have a great time outside and I love the activity, but it's a lot of work with little kids, especially with one being a baby!! All definitely worth it though... :)

End of maternity leave... already?!
I have been on maternity leave for 14 months, but still can't believe it's that time again! Sssshhhhh....... Back to School time! This year I am teaching grade three at Forest Green School. Part of me is looking forward to going back because I really do love my job. I just wish it wasn't so much work!! LOL! I have been going in several times working in my classroom and trying to get things set up again. It's a lot of work to "move in" again and set everything up from scratch. Hopefully I'll be in my room for many years and not have to do that again any time soon! It has made for some very busy evenings trying to go to school in addition to the normal evening housework and exercise stuff! The kids are going to a dayhome here in Stony Plain and I hope the transition from home to dayhome everyday goes okay. They've had a rocky start (with not going consistently as "trial runs"), so I think the first week back is going to be a bit of a shock. With numbers, they are unable to go until my first day of work, August 30th and I work 5 full days that first week. Hopefully once they are going everyday and we all get into a routine, they will be fine. It's just hard to have kids upset when you drop them off or aren't there with them... :(

September means birthday time!
Jenna is 11 months old today! I need to go weigh and measure her, so will update with that soon! With the arrival of September comes Jenna's 1st birthday! I keep asking myself, 'How is that even possible?!?' It seems like she's still our little baby, but everyday, I'm reminded of how she's too quickly becoming a little girl. She's changing so quickly and growing so much! Every milestone and new discovery is exciting, but reminds me of how she's growing up. She's not walking on her own yet, but is a very fast little crawler, cruises along furniture, and walks really well with her walkers. Maybe soon she'll be an independent walker. :) She absolutely LOVES playing with Colby! She chases after him and tries to keep up with what he's playing. I love it! We're looking forward to celebrating Jenna's first birthday with lots of family and close friends. She's a very happy little girl (unless she wants something or gets mad she can't have something... then you can hear her a mile away!) and is fun to play with! She loves Little People and playing with the kitchen downstairs. She's recently been playing at the train table too, which is really fun! How do they know to "drive" things so early?! Jenna is a very independent little girl. Perhaps she's just a wee bit stubborn like her mommy?! She hasn't been eating "baby food" for a couple of months now and enjoys feeding herself anything and everything we eat. But when she's hungry, she's hungry! She's a VERY good eater... often eats more than Colby does, which makes me continually wonder how she's now bigger than she is! Love you so much, baby girl!!

Mr. Colby
Colby has definitely hit a new stage... at least I hope it's just a "stage"!! He has been quite defiant and is quite enjoying the word "No" lately, or "No thanks" if he's feeling especially polite! LOL! Makes for some difficult days, but hopefully it won't last too long. I think Colby is quite enjoying having a very mobile (and quick) little sister! He laughs when she comes to play and calls her to come and check out some toys. I love that they get along well! He's doing well with potty training still, but we're having some pooping issues still. I hear this is difficult for a lot of kids, boys in particular, so hoping that gets better soon too! All in all, he's a very active little boy who loves playing outside or downstairs, and even just chilling on the couch with a movie or an episode of his favorite Diego. Oh, Diego, you don't know how much you're loved by one little boy!! :) He has already decided he wants a Diego happy birthday party when he turns 3! Colby is growing up too quickly too... our little man now rides his new bike SO well!! We got him a little two-wheeler with training wheels. At first, it was a bit difficult and takes some practice because it's so different from a tricycle. One day when we were camping last weekend, it just clicked! He is super fast and LOVES riding his bike. Makes me sad to see him growing up and learning new things so quickly, but at the same time, it's so wonderful to see kids do and discover new things. Good job, Colby!! Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you! Love you, little buddy!!

Yay... date night!
Yes, for the first time in a year, Gerry and I went on a date last night! :) So fun! We haven't been out since before Jenna was born, so it was definitely overdue! We went out for dinner at Original Joe's and then to Cirque de Soleil Alegria. It was a great show and a wonderful evening out! Thanks Ger... love you!! Thanks to Auntie Tracy who came to spend the evening with Colby and Jenna. They loved having her here!!

Well, I think summer is officially gone.... it's beginning to feel like fall WAY too early this year! :( Enjoy the last week of August, everyone. September is right around the corner.

Love and hugs,
Gerry, Lesley, Colby and Jenna

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sick Little Jenna... and our new puppy!

Sadly, our camping holiday this year is not going as planned. We did go to Cross Lake Provincial Park on this past August Long weekend with great friends, the Kluz Family. However, something was definitely up with Jenna. We thought she was teething (other middle bottom tooth just about to poke through) and we fought with a fever and very irritable little baby all weekend. Turns out, she has measles! :( Our nephew, Jordan, came down with the measles days before Jenna, so it all makes sense now. Her fever finally broke after three days when she woke up on Monday morning with spots all over. While she no longer has the fever, she is still a bit "off" and I'm hoping she back to normal very soon!! Poor baby girl... :(

It was a very eventful weekend! Had fun at the campground with great parks and Colby always enjoys playing with Brock and Braydi. The beach was great on Sunday afternoon and ended with a surprise!! We were walking back to our beach and found a family of puppies with their mama and the family they belong to. Several people were all around then and Colby asked to touch one! (Yes, our son who is petrified of most dogs!!) So I was cuddling one of the three week old puppies and Colby touched it, then asked to hold it!! Even more shocking. Then came the "I want one!!" Seriously?!? Yes, he was serious. So, I went back to the trailer to get Gerry (who was having an afternoon nap with Jenna) to come and check out these absolutely adorable puppies! All in all, we are getting a puppy!!! He is SO cute!! He's a black lab - shepherd cross puppy and we can pick him up in about 3 weeks. I keep thinking, "What are we doing?!" But it's great to see Colby so excited and of course, Gerry is so excited too! So... we're going to be dog owners!!??!! Should be interesting..... Still working on his name... will keep you posted!

Since Jenna was sick and not herself at all, we cancelled our reservations in Jasper for the week. It wasn't the best weekend camping with Jenna and we didn't want to put her through that for an entire week too. So we are enjoying a week with Daddy at home!! Lots of things to do around the house, little shopping/errand trips, and hanging out! Colby is loving the fact that Gerry is home during the day. Tomorrow, he's going to take Colby out to the farm to see the animals, tractors, and go for a quad ride or two. I'm sure he will love every minute!

Speaking of Colby, potty training is going great!! Well, "pee training" is going great. He's having no problems with going pee (when we tell him to... he doesn't tell us yet that he has to go), but going poop is another story. So frustrating, but hopefully soon he'll try to poop on the potty??!! Mom and Dad can't wait for that day to come!!

Have a great week everyone with the warm temperatures ahead! We are using our air conditioning all the time and LOVE it!! :)

Gerry, Lesley, Colby, Jenna (and new puppy!!)