Monday, September 28, 2009

Jenna is finally here!

Well, I keep hearing from everyone... we now have the "million dollar family"!! A wonderful son, and now a beautiful daughter too! I am so excited that my baby girl is finally here!

This was a very different experience than having Colby... walking into the hospital with no labour pains or anything and being prepared for my scheduled cesarean section last Monday morning was very strange! I had fantastic care at the Misericordia Hospital - from the OR nurses, anesthetist (sp?), and postpartum nurses. Jenna Ann Cameron arrived at 9:39 am on Monday, September 21st weighing 6 lbs. 11 oz. and 19 3/4" long. She is absolutely beautiful! Jenna looks a lot like Colby did when he was born (although more feminine and a pound lighter)! Everything went fine with the c-section, but the recovery is going to be a long road!! Now that I've had both a natural delivery and a c-section delivery, I'm often asked which is better! At first, I couldn't decide, but I've definitely decided that I'd like a natural birth any day over the surgery. I cannot lift more than Jenna for 6 weeks, can't drive for 2 weeks, and it was greatly stressed for me to take it easy and not overdo it. For those of you who really know me, this is a bit difficult for me.....!!! I'm feeling a bit better everyday, but just wish I was more useful around the house!! Thank goodness for my wonderful husband and family members helping out!!

Colby is doing quite well with Jenna. He did very well with my mom! She had no problems with him at all, which made things much less stressful for us. I was worried about how he would do with the major changes and coming to visit Mommy in the hospital for a few days. He seemed to be really excited once he found out that Jenna and I were coming home on Wednesday (a day earlier than I should have been discharged... I just wanted to come home and not be in the hospital anymore!) He wants to hug and kiss her and he completely makes my heart melt when he says, "I love you, Jenna!" Awww..... :) I am the luckiest mom!!

As I mentioned, Jenna and I were discharged on Wednesday morning. The health nurse came on Thursday morning and mentioned that she looked quite jaundice. We had been quite concerned because we were having a really hard time waking her up to eat, she would sleep all the time, and wasn't interested in eating at all. They tested her bilirubin level (cause of jaundice) and it was over 300. Dr. Currie wanted her admitted to the Stony Plain Hospital for Photo Therapy to treat the jaundice and bring her levels down. It was pretty scary, but I knew it was f0r the best and would quickly help her become less jaundice, more alert, and interested in eating. I stayed at the hospital with her overnight and they tested it again in the morning. With a visit from Dr. Currie and a level of 197, everything was fine and we were able to come home (again!). She has been doing much better since then and has been eating like crazy to catch up! She's putting weight back on too, which is good, as she had lost quite a bit at first. When we left the Stony Plain Hospital, she weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. We'll see how much she weighs at her 9 day check-up on Wednesday afternoon!

We are thrilled with our new addition and I'm loving being a mom of two beautiful children! Thank you to everyone for your well wishes, offers of help, and visits! We love having such great family and friends around!

Gerry, Lesley, Colby, and Jenna xoxo

Friday, September 18, 2009

Almost a family of four!

With the big day quickly approaching, I had my 38 week appointment with my obstetrician on Wednesday morning. Everything was still fine - strong heart beat (and getting faster each week) was at 148 bpm and I am still measuring 37 cm (same as last week). The next time I see Dr. Black will be in the operating room! She's really great and I quite like her! I have also heard that her surgeries are quick and often come with little scarring too! This morning (Friday), I had to go to the Misericordia Hospital for my pre-admission clinic for Monday's cesarean section. I found out that I am scheduled for the first surgery of the day... 9:30 am! So we need to be at the hospital at 7:30 for IV, monitoring, prep, etc. Colby is going to have a sleepover at Auntie Kristy's house on Sunday night since we need to leave the house earlier than he'll be awake! I really don't want to wake him up, so he's looking forward to a sleepover with "Annie"!

After a lot of talk with others who have had a c-section and the pre-admission clinic with lots of information about how things will go on Monday, I'm starting to feel much more at ease. I am a huge type-A personality (always have been) and don't really like the unknown and change. So because this is new, it has been a bit scary. I know that I'll be just fine and it's truly the best and safest way for our little girl to enter the world! Now if Monday would just get here!! :) I really am thankful for all of the help that has already been offered from our loving family and friends... my mom is watching Colby for a few days next week while Gerry works (the days I'm in the hospital). With such limited holidays (which is hugely frustrating), we need to maximize his time at home when I come home on Thursday.

Colby's getting excited to be a big brother too! He has been doing lots in her room, helping get last minute things set up and has been playing with Baby Jack quite a bit this week. He has put him to "nigh-night" in his bed with Tip Top and blankie, closed the door, and hushed as he's leaving. It's SO cute!!!

This past week has flown by! Between appointments and meeting friends, our week has gone by so quickly! Last weekend on Sunday morning, we headed to Dog Rump Creek (Rotary Park) in Stony Plain, where my sister, Kristy, took some maternity pictures of Gerry and I, along with a couple of family ones. They turned out really great!! Now... when will I have time to scrapbook them?! Maybe in a year or two?!? LOL! Gerry registered for curling again this year, so he'll be curling with my parents and one of my uncles. He really quite enjoys it and is quite a good curler! I met a few friends this week in the evenings for coffee to catch up before life gets even crazier next week, which was really nice. This weekend we are enjoying one more weekend as a family of three. We are taking Colby swimming and to the playgym tomorrow morning before lunch and naptime. Sunday is our niece's (Emerson) baptism, so we'll be spending the day with family celebrating. Some of Gerry's family is coming into town and staying with us, so it's going to be a very busy last weekend before Baby comes.

The warmer weather continued for a few days this week and to be honest, it was a bit too hot for me. Being 38+ weeks pregnant and 32 degrees outside in September was a bit much. Again, thank goodness for our basement and for my brother-in-law who is installing our air conditioning this weekend! It will be all ready for next summer!! :)

Have a great weekend everyone and my next blog post will have some baby news to share!!
Gerry, Lesley, Colby and Baby Cameron xoxo

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The countdown is on...

Okay, okay, the countdown has been on for a couple of weeks already, but now I only have to wait 11 more days to meet my little girl! After meeting with my obstetrician yesterday in the city (who is great!), I found out that the baby is in the footling breech position, so there's no option for a natural breech delivery. So... scheduled c-section it is! She would have liked to do it next week (me too!), but she said pediatricians don't often like elective sections done before 39 weeks. So I am booked for a c-section on Monday, September 21st at 39 weeks and 1 day.

It feels very strange knowing that I'll just walk into the hospital on that day and have a baby... no labor, no contractions, no pushing... just plain strange! I'm really quite nervous about the whole surgery and the am quite worried about the recovery time, but I know I have lots of help around, which is calming my nerves slightly. Gerry is going to take the first week off for sure (when I'm in the hospital) and then some time the following week. He has very few days of vacation left, so sadly, most of it will be unpaid time. My mom and sisters are also around, which will be very helpful. We pretty much have the nursery all ready to go... we didn't change very much, kept the paint and some of the crib things the same from Colby. We added a few pink items to 'girl up' the decor a bit, which I'm quite happy with. Decorating a girl's room has sure been fun!!

Colby is doing well with the baby prep... he has been working on putting diapers on Baby Jack and Tip Top. It's so cute!! He likes to put Baby Jack and Tip Top to bed for nigh-night and even covers them up with a blankie. We'll see how he is when his little sister comes home... I'm a little worried about not being able to pick up my little man for 6 weeks!! Yikes! I am taking in every moment I can with him in the next 11 days... it's weird knowing that in just over a week I'm going to be a mommy to two little angels, not just one! :)

We had a good September long weekend away last weekend. It was a quadding trip, so Colby and I hung out at the trailer/park/going for walks, etc. during the day while the boys (and a few wives) played on the quads in the mud. He did great playing with me and by himself, as there were no other little kids around, as there usually is when we go camping. Besides the terrible mosquitos and wasps, we had a great time outside. Colby usually sleeps really well when we're camping (so much fresh air!), which is nice. He enjoys running around and exploring... especially in the trees surrounding the campsite!! He sure keeps Mommy on her toes!

I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on the next couple of weeks. Enjoy a beautiful September weekend ahead!
Gerry, Lesley, Colby and Baby

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

36 weeks and counting!

Today I had my 36 week regular prenatal appointment. Whew... what an overwhelming morning!! We knew that the baby has not turned into the head-down position at my last appointment, but my doctor was hoping she would by this week. Perhaps she's showing her stubborn side already (I think she might get that from her mommy???) but she still is breech. I had a quick ultrasound scan to confirm it and a lot of information and options of where we go from here. My doctor wanted me to have an urgent ultrasound to confirm the type of breech position and get an estimated fetal weight. From there, there are three options that we'll discuss with the obstetrician that I will now be seeing.
1) Attempt at external version = manipulate baby from outside to move down. Apparently very painful and success rate is low.
2) Elect c-section
3) Breech delivery

Apparently they are now doing more and more breech deliveries (if in the correct breech position) these days. There are some positions that are an automatic c-section, but others that can be delivered naturally. Ouch! Anyway, I go for the ultrasound tomorrow and then will hopefully know a bit more. From there, I see the OB next Wednesday where I hope to gain a bit more insight into options and a plan of action. Dr. Gail Black is her name and I hear she's fantastic!!! So that was great to hear! I will keep you posted on the events and any decisions made.

I'm feeling alright still... just more uncomfortable by the week and very hot this week in this crazy heat!! I'm not loving the 29-30 degree weather the past few days. It will be over soon though and I'm going to be cursing the snow before we know it, I think!

Colby is really doing great with the baby thing... he loves reading "Little Critter - The New Baby"!! He wants to do more with Baby Jack and loves to show off the baby's room to any visitors. :) I hope things continue to go well... I think he's going to make a pretty great big brother! :) Thank goodness my sister, Jody, is so flexible in watching Colby. The ultrasound and OB appt. are right during nap time, which makes things difficult to go anywhere with him. So she's going to be watching him for me, which is so helpful!!

I'll let you know how the ultrasound goes tomorrow!