Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I don't need to nap, Mommy!

We have had a couple of very difficult days lately... Colby has decided that he doesn't really like to nap, so he won't! This results in a very overtired, crying baby who doesn't know what he wants... doesn't like to be rocked anymore or anything either. This is very hard to deal with all day and I hope it gets better soon. It's so funny because he goes to bed and sleeps all night with not a peep out of him at bedtime! Just naps during the day that he decides are not for him! He's already telling us that he knows more than we do, I guess!! LOL I'm told by the health nurse that this is most likely a phase and that most babies settle into good nap routines by about 6 months. Hopefully it happens a bit before then... we still have over a month until we're at the 6 month point!! He continues to amuse us with his little quirks... for example, this morning I picked him up out of his crib and was changing his diaper... he grabbed my hair and when I said, "No, no, please let go Colby", he let out the biggest giggle! Not so funny for Mom, but how can I not laugh?! He is smiling and laughing more than ever now and it's so much fun. We're working on rolling over from back to front and sitting up on our own. He can sit up for a few seconds, but then falls to one side or in front. It will come, I'm sure. Last night Gerry was trying to teach him to crawl... I thought he might be slightly young for that yet!! Colby is also holding his bottle, which is pretty neat to see. He knows exactly what happens when he sees his bottle and wants it NOW. He reaches out his hand and opens his mouth, but occasionally it hits him in the nose or on the forehead!! :) We're looking forward to Colby's cousin, Blake's, first birthday party this weekend. Can't believe he's 1 year old already!! Man, time flies!! I'll keep you posted on our napping situation and hopefully I'll have better news with my next post.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Big update!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've added a new post! It is seeming more and more difficult to find the time lately! Last week, Colby found his feet! It was so cute... he was on his change table and made this new exciting discovery! :) With being born in the winter time, he doesn't have much opportunity to see them, so I'm glad he's finally found them. Last Saturday, Gerry was on parenting duty for most of the day. I had to go and do a few things for Jen's shower and stagette this weekend, so he was home alone with Daddy. He had a pretty off day though, which made for a frustrating day, I think. When Colby decides he doesn't want to nap, it doesn't make for a very pleasant day. Oh well... I guess these days will happen! The next day was much better with another first... Colby, my mom, and I ventured out in the snow to Spruce Grove for a little while as my dad and Gerry worked on the basement. Since we took my mom's vehicle and didn't have the stroller, Colby got to sit up in a cart for the first time! I was a little shocked when Grandma and Colby came along in a cart! He loved it though, which was pretty neat! He sat sideways in the top part and was nice and snug in this little compartment. :) We had a couple of days where we didn't leave the house due to the crazy return of winter earlier this week! It made for some pretty long days being inside, but we played, played, and played some more. To be honest, it was actually kind of nice staying home all day for once and getting a few things done during nap times. We began Tic Toc Time this morning (Thursday) at the Good Sam Centre in Spruce Grove. It's a nursery rhyme/storytelling kind of program for babies ages 0-12 months. He loves it!! While it cut into our morning naptime (which kind of concerned me!), he did pretty well until the very end. We sang songs and did nursery rhymes. He especially LOVES the bouncy songs!! It runs every Thursday morning from 10-11 am. It's supposed to be good for Early Literacy, so it's right up my alley!! :) I can't believe how much Colby is growing and how quickly he seems to change. Those of you who I talk on the phone to regularly can attest to the fact that he's definitely 'talking' (or should I say squealing?) more and more now! He makes some pretty funny noises these days, especially when he gets really excited! My favorite thing is still the fact that I get a smile every time I give him a big smile!! Still makes my heart totally melt! He is SO close to rolling over from his back to his front... he gets onto his side, but then doesn't know what to do. I'm sure this will come soon! He also LOVES the jolly jumper that we borrowed from his cousin, Blake! Thanks Blake!! He can be in there for a long time before wanting to come out!! He just jumps and jumps and jumps some more. Maybe he'll be an early walker??!! Who knows.... Hopefully things go better this Saturday for Daddy and Colby... Daddy is 'on duty' all day and all night as I have a shower and stagette to attend for Jen. I'm looking forward to it... should be fun, but I'm sure I will miss him lots! Glad we have Sunday altogether. Sorry for the novel - there's my update on life lately with our little man.
Take care everyone and enjoy the nice weather on the way!


Monday, April 14, 2008

First sleepover!

Yep, Colby had his first sleepover on Saturday night! We went to my parents' house for dinner and then went out to some friends' house for a party. Didn't stay too long, as we needed to get Colby back to my parents' house and then head into Jen and Dave's for Jen's birthday party. We dropped him off about 9:30 or so (way past his bedtime, but he actually did great!!) He skipped the bath, put on his jammies, had a bottle and then hit the hay! My mom said he did really well and slept well in the crib (yep, the same crib that my sisters and I did as babies!). It wasn't too hard leaving him there when we left, but it was very strange coming home without him! I had a terrible sleep, as I kept waking up to hear him. Gerry actually got up once because he thought he heard him, but he wasn't in his crib when he got there!! I'm glad he had his first sleepover so he can get used to going to bed in other people's houses, etc. The next morning, he hung out with Grandpa in bed for a while as Grandma got ready and then they came and picked me up. We went out to my Grandpa's house and got a few things to take to his new home at the Good Samaritan George Hennig Centre in Stony Plain. He moved out to the hospital and into the home this morning.
Colby is making the funniest sounds ever lately!! I love it! He is squealing and experimenting with his voice so much... SO cute!! :) I love our little 'conversations'. Hope everyone has a great week!

Take care,

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Busy week and so tall!

We have had a relatively busy week with something to do everyday! As much as I really like being at home, all day is a bit much. I'm glad we find things to do to leave the house, even if it's just going out for a walk or a run outside. On Sunday (April 6th), we had brunch at Jen & Dave's house. It's always a delicious meal and Colby had some good play time with his 'aunts' and 'uncles'. He has begun pulling his soother out very often now and is even beginning to be able to put it back in by himself. Although sometimes he just gets frustrated because he can't find his mouth and needs some help from Mom or Dad. Colby turned 4 months old on Monday... it's so unbelievable how quickly the time goes. While I miss holding my little newborn baby, I'm loving every minute of him growing up too. He's able to do so many new things... I just wish time could slow down a bit! I'm sure every parent feels like this... We went to Movies for Mommies on Tuesday afternoon with a couple of friends. Colby does really well during the movie... loves to sit and watch the entire thing. Sometimes by the end he's getting a bit anxious to lay down and play, but all in all, he does really well. Yesterday (April 9) was his 4 month immunization appointment at Public Health Nursing. I always dread these days, as I hate to see him in pain and hear that horrible pain cry (so different from any of his other cries!!) He did pretty well after it was all over (despite bleeding a lot!) because I fed him right away and he was fine. When his bottle was gone, he was normal as can be. I didn't give him Tylenol for the rest of the day and he was great... didn't need it, I guess! Tough kid! LOL. What surprised me was how tall he is getting... they weigh and measure him every time. He is 16 lbs. 3 oz. and 26 3/4" long!! He is in the 97th %ile for his height! Crazy! He's catching up to his cousin, Landon, very quickly!! The basement development is coming along... as I mentioned, it's all framed and now my dad and Gerry are working on wiring it. They're almost done, so onto the next stage soon! I can tell this is going to be a long process, but I'm so excited for it to be done and have more room to put 'stuff' from upstairs! Although that also means more cleaning, doesn't it!!?? Enjoy the rest of your week and the absolutely gorgeous weekend ahead... I heard 17 and 20 degrees!!! Wow! Take care!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

First time!

Yesterday (Friday, April 4th) was the first time that Colby sat in his high chair! We were eating dinner with Gerry's dad, Bruce, and thought we'd try to put him in the high chair. He did really well in it and liked the new toys to play with on the tray. He looks so small in it!!! It actually looked really cute! We've had a pretty laidback week, which has been nice. Not too much going on during the days. On Tuesday, we went to Tracy and Blake's house for a while. It was lots of fun to see them! Blake really enjoys playing with other kids' toys, so he kept wanting to take Colby's toys! LOL Not that Colby even noticed!! It is so neat to see him playing and interacting with toys so much differently now. He used to just bat at things and occasionally hold onto objects, but now he's really starting to play with them more. He LOVES being in the Jolly Jumper that we borrowed from Cal and Tracy. He wasn't quite sure what to do at first, but now is getting really good at jumping and gets going pretty quickly! He has started rolling over again lately (from tummy to back), which has been good. He did it quite a bit very early (about 8 weeks) and then not again for a couple of months. So now he's starting again. He's very close to rolling over from his back to tummy (gets the legs up in the air, onto his side, but then doesn't know what to do!) I'm sure it will come! Colby wishes his Auntie Kathy a very happy birthday today! Hope everyone's having a great weekend. Have a great week! I sure hope it warms up so that this awful snow melts!! I was not too impressed to wake up this morning to more snow!! I thought winter was gone... although Gerry reminded me that it is April in Alberta........
