Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2 years old or 1 year old?!?!

I know it's been a very long time since my last post, but things are crazy... okay, continue to be crazy! When are they not?? I've been super busy at school and have had many late nights going back to school after Colby goes to bed. He begins going to the new dayhome on Monday morning, which is just around the corner from us. I'm excited to not be spending so much time in the car driving back and forth, but will really miss Amie's care! She's an amazing person and I know Colby absolutely adores it there! He loves playing with Karter so much and I know he will miss him. I don't think I could've convinced her to move closer to us... hmmmm.....

Colby is growing up so quickly and some days I feel like I have a 2 year old and not a 1 year old!! He can be trouble, I tell you! LOL! He is beginning to know what he's not allowed to do and what we say "No" to, but he will do it anyway! He has had a couple of timeouts in the past couple of days for his behavior, especially the beating-up of his cousin, Landon. I don't know what it is with those two, but they play so rough!! My philosophy is that they are more like brothers than cousins (so close in age and in size, too!) Hopefully this is just a phase!? On the positive side, he is definitely developing and displaying his personality! He is so funny! I love listening to his words... Colby can say a few more words now, including uh oh, this, that, look, go, and his newest one today that he discovered with "Ring Around the Rosy".... down. I love it! So cute! He is doing really well with mealtimes now... much better than this time last month! In his big high chair, he was throwing food, playing around, not eating, etc., so we moved him to a booster seat and he sits right up at the table with us. This completely changed things! He eats nicely, there's next to no food on the floor, and mealtime is much more pleasant these days! He's doing very well with eating with his spoon and fork, too! It's very cute, even though it takes forever for him to eat yogurt with his spoon! But amazing to see his level of independence at the ripe age of 13 1/2 months! He's running everywhere and down to one nap a day, which is much nicer!! We can do more things in the morning and not have to come home for a nap. He has also been sleeping much better at night and not having a hard time falling asleep at night anymore! Thank goodness!

There is a cold bug going through our house right now... I have a brutal cold and Colby has a touch of it too, making his nose a constant fountain! Hopefully it'll leave soon!!

I'm going away for the first time in a very long time for an entire weekend! I'm pretty nervous and worried about missing my two favourite boys, but am excited for the weekend. I am going to a scrapbooking retreat with some other wonderful ladies at a lovely bed and breakfast west of the city. I'm so excited to catch up on some girly time AND be productive in Colby's album!! :) Crossing my fingers for the creativity to be flowing!! Our swimming lessons continue to go very well and Colby is really enjoying it! He's a little fish, so loves any time to play in the water. It will be Daddy and Colby swimming this weekend, as I'll be away. I'm sure they'll have fun!

We are making some small headways in the development of the basement, which is exciting! It's so hard to find time to do things in the evenings! Gerry finished painting downstairs this week, so now it's time to talk to some people about carpet. I'm really excited to have a "useable" space for Colby to play soon. I know we are a long way from being done, but each step brings us a little bit closer!

I guess I should wrap up the novel... hope everyone is doing well. I'll let you know how the retreat goes... I'm hoping my sister-in-law, Tracy, will have the baby this weekend (as she had her first one 21 months ago while I was at another scrapbooking retreat!!)


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Can't keep up!

I know, I know, I've been terrible at keeping up with my blog posts! Such is life as a full-time working teacher mom. It seems what little time I have after Colby goes to bed at night is spent quickly doing some housework, planning, and marking! I don't know how moms do it with more than one child!

We have had a great start to 2009! Colby continues to amaze and surprise us everyday! He is learning so much and it's so much fun to play and talk with him. He now puts his clothes in his laundry hamper and also puts his diapers in the diaper pail! What a little helper he is! :) We started swimming lessons last Saturday morning and they have been going very well. It's a big class (10 kids - 9 boys and 1 girl), and the goal is to get the kids feeling comfortable in the water. Colby's having no troubles with this - he's a fish already!! He doesn't mind putting his face in the water or having water poured over his head! It's so cute. He likes to just go, go, go (as usual), so it's been a transition to teaching him to do the activities of the class and "let's listen to our swimming teacher". He's a very busy boy... I wish I had half his energy! Not only is he a fish, but he's also a huge climber! He has been climbing on things for a while now, but it seems to be faster and on top of everything these days! He has even climbed into the dishwasher when it was open (onto the lid)! He has a foam table with two stools and he tries to climb on top of the stool and then up onto the table. Crazy kid. Never a dull moment in our house!

Colby had a rough week last week with teething... he has never really been bothered by teething before, but one of his molars sure gave him some trouble! He now has 10 teeth. I hate to see him in that pain... no sleeping, drooling, diaper rash, sometimes not eating as much. Not so fun. Anyway, 2 of the 4 have come through and he's back to normal now. Just some drooling, but all in all, much happier!

Our great friends, Jen and Dave, came to babysit last night! They came out about 6 and stayed with Colby so Gerry and I could go on a bit of a date. It was a pretty quiet evening - just a really nice dinner and then home early (since Colby is not a kid who likes to sleep in very late!!). They said he was really good for them, which I was very happy about. Maybe next time, we'll leave them with Colby for a bit longer (while he's awake!) We haven't gone out on a 'date' since Colby was born... so very long overdue! It's just so hard to find the time to do it! Thanks to Jen and Dave's offer, we had some great conversation, just the two of us!

My parents are now back from the Dominican, which is so great! We really missed them! It's amazing how long a week can seem without Grandma and Grandpa home! So glad they had a wonderful trip and that the wedding was beautiful too. They sure deserve it!

One more piece of exciting news!!! Gerry, Colby and I are going to San Diego, California, on March 28th!! We are going for 5 days over Spring Break and are SO excited for our trip away!! We didn't have a very great beginning of the school year (or fall in general), so we thought we deserve a nice trip away as a family!

We're not up to much else... days and weeks seem to fly by and my to-do list never seems to get shorter. One of these days, right? Maybe in the summer I'll tackle some of those things! We are definitely enjoying the beautiful spring-like weather these past couple of days! We went out for a sleigh ride today and did some more shovelling on the driveway. SO gorgeous outside! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!

Gerry, Lesley and Colby