Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fun weekend!

I had a great weekend, despite the busyness of it! On Friday night, I went with a friend to a big sale at Dragon Lillies (baby/kids boutique in Spruce Grove). To make a little date even better... I won one of the door prizes!! They called me later Friday evening and told me that I had won $150 to a photographer in Spruce Grove!! So exciting! I was beginning to think about possibly doing Jenna's 1 year photos and a family photo shoot at the end of August/beginning of September. Will be contacting her soon! :)

On Saturday, Gerry and Jenna came to watch Colby and I at gymnastics. He has a great time and truly, it's a great outlet of energy! :) He's becoming more comfortable with the beam, so that's a plus too! He isn't a huge fan of the really high one, but is coming around. From there, we headed to South Edmonton Common for a couple of quick stops and then to Costco. I was wanting to get some outdoor flowers to plant, but good thing I didn't! The rain, snow, sleet, and hail has not been nice this weekend! Hopefully the weather turns around for a beautiful week ahead. Last night, I went to my friend Amie's house for a Creative Memories party. My goodness, how things have changed! I got some beautiful paper packages and got me thinking more and more about some digital scrapbooking in my near future.....

Today was Painting and Redecorating Day! Jenna was up bright and early, so I was able to finish taping and prepping her room for painting. It was a LONG day of painting... but 3 coats later, I am SO happy with the results!! A nice bright pink and some redecoration including some very cute flower decals makes it a great girly-girl room!! :) (I think Gerry is a bit tired today from having the kids all day!!)

Aaahh... not too much happening this week... preschool and my fitness classes, as usual. Ooh, and I'm attending the YWCA Women of Distinction Awards Gala on Thursday night. My best friend, Jen, is nominated for an award. I'm looking forward to a fun night of fancy clothes out with some fabulous people! Good luck, Jen!!

Have a great week, everyone!

Friday, May 28, 2010

May Update!

Yes, I know it has been nearly 3 weeks since my last post! I just can't keep up! I attribute it to having 2 kids that rarely nap at the same time and not being home in the evenings! Sure... that's all I got! I really need to try harder at this! :)

It has been a busy, but great month!! I celebrated my 29th birthday on Tuesday, May 11th. It was a nice day and went out for lunch with my mom and sister. We didn't do much in the evening, as it was my first spin class of the session, so didn't skip out on it. Gerry and I would still like to go for dinner or something sometime... just the two of us.

We headed out for our first camping trip of the year on the May Long Weekend. It was a quading weekend out at Cynthia RV Campground (just west of Drayton Valley). It was a good weekend... but cold!! We got a bit of rain and snow flurries on Friday night and Saturday, but Sunday was better and of course, Monday was beautiful because we had to head home! That's the way it always goes, doesn't it?! Colby had a great time playing outside and enjoyed some quick little rides on the quad with Mommy and Daddy. He loves that he and I now have "matching helmets" and enjoyed riding in the mud! Colby and Gerry had a lot of fun... I think we have a future quader on our hands! Jenna did fairly well... slept her usual times, but had a bit of troubles falling asleep. It's a new place and she is quite an observer, so she was more interested in looking around, etc. She stayed nice and warm in her toque, mitts, and snowsuit too, just like the big kids! All in all, it was a great weekend... besides the fact that our cooler and some alcohol was stolen the first night from right outside of the door of our trailer!!!

We enjoyed a great trip to the zoo yesterday with Tracy, Blake and Em, and Kristy, Landon, and Jordan. There were more animals out this time and the kids loved being able to run around! Thank goodness there wasn't many people there in the morning when we arrived. We enjoyed a nice picnic lunch, then headed to the southside to see Ger at work! Colby always loves going to see Daddy at work and enjoys driving the forklifts!

Our little Jenna is already 8 months old! I weighed and measured her last week and she contines to grow... slowly. She's 16 lbs. 15 oz. and 26 3/4" long. It's crazy how much smaller she is than Colby was... At 8 months old, Colby was a whopping 21 lbs. 5 oz!!! Big difference between the two! I sure enjoy having my little girl! :) She is SO close to crawling... gets up onto her hands and knees, rocks a bit, and then plops back onto her tummy. She's been doing the "army crawl" for quite a while now and is so quick! She can move around a room and get any toy she sets out to! I don't think it will be too long before she's crawling and moving even faster!

She's is beginning to get more of a 'schedule' now. We are trying to get her to not eat during the night and it seems like we're making progress! She's usually in bed sleeping by 7:00 or 7:15 and was eating at about 4 or 4:30. But last night she slept from 7:00 until 6:10!!!! Hopefully this is a permanent change! I like it! :) She's napping really well too during the day, which is helpful. She is truly a generally happy baby and quite content unless she needs something... then you can hear her a mile away, I'm sure! ;)

Colby is such a little boy... he has so much energy these days and enjoys playing outside. He loves his new playhouse and monkey bars in the backyard and riding his plasma car on the driveway and the sidewalks. He is really good at playing with Jenna and likes to have little conversations with her. However, he's not such a fan when she reaches for one of his trucks or cars!! He has been showing her how to crawl and encouraging her lots! It's pretty cute! He's into trucks, quads, hockey, Thomas... anything really! He's doing well at Gymnastics and really enjoys most of the activities. He's not such a huge fan of the high beams though. The trampoline and foam pit are a couple of his favorites! Preschool is nearly over for the session and he continues to do really well. I drop him off and enjoy an hour chat with other moms and friends from the class!! It's a nice little break! :) He has made some really cute crafts and enjoys telling me about the songs he learns and toys he plays with. I'm going to miss it when it's over! I think it has been really good for him! I am trying to soak up every day with the kids and am going to miss it when I'm back to work in a few months. I especially love the summers because it's nice out and we can spend a lot of time outdoors! :)

We've been enjoying the nice spring days and spend a lot of time at the parks, out for walks, and enjoying play time in the backyard. We are currently getting our fence built and can't wait for it to be done!!! Soon... if the weather would ever cooperate!

Congratulations to my cousin, Jenn and her husband, Rick on the birth of their son, Jack Richard Sultanian on May 27th! Can't wait to meet him! All the best to everyone!

Have a great weekend everyone. Hopefully the rain doesn't last all weekend... I'm looking forward to some 20+ temperatures for next week!

Gerry, Lesley, Colby and Jenna

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

May 9, 2010

Dear Colby and Jenna,

I love you so very much! So much that it's difficult to describe! You two wonderful kids are the absolute loves of my life (yes, I do love Daddy too very much, but I think he realizes that he's no longer number one!!) Having children has been the most rewarding thing in my life and I am so blessed every single day to have such amazing kids! You bring so much joy to my life and fill each and every day with love, laughter, playfulness, and pride! I am so proud to be your mommy!

Being a mom means so many things to me! Some of my favorites are hearing the words, "I wuv you Mommy!" the come with a big hug and kiss from Colby and seeing Jenna's big smiles and hearing her laughter when we see each other in the morning or after nap time. I love seeing you discover new things and learn how to do things for the first time. Your excitement and love of discovery is so exciting. This is why we play so much! I love it (and well, you do too!!)

I can't believe how quickly you've both grown. Maybe it's just part of my nature, but I shed a tear or two when I look back at your newborn photos and remember how small you were. Sometimes I wish I could just hit a "Pause" button on time! But on the other hand, I look forward to you growing up because it means seeing you hit more milestones and engage in new activities at different stages of your life. Seeing your first smiles, first laughs, first crawl, first step, first words are all moments that I'll never forget! They're so exciting! (Thank goodness for our videocamera!!)

I absolutely love being your mom and wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I have the best (and sometimes hardest) job in the world! But you make it all worth every minute of it! You mean the world to me and I'm so proud to call you my children!

Love you... so much... now and always!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life with the Cameron's

Jenna was 7 months old on April 21st... I weighed and measured her and she continues to grow at a good pace. She put on just over 1 pound in the last month and now weighs 16 lbs. 5 oz. and is about 26 1/4" long (still short, but growing nonetheless!) She is getting closer to crawling... I think it helps that she loves being on her tummy so much! If ever put on her back, she'll instantly roll onto her tummy... and then around a room! She's doing better with solid foods too. She's now eating 3 meals a day! Big girl! She seems to enjoy vegetables much more than Colby did, so hopefully that doesn't turn into a huge battle like it continues to be with him! Fingers crossed! :)

I adore watching Colby and Jenna interact! I think he is loving the fact that she can sit up now and play with toys. They often just start giggling at each other, especially when she's in the Jumperoo! Warms my heart to see them laughing and playing together!

Colby loves playing outside and we can't wait to get a fence... very soon!! We have hired someone to build our fence and are hoping it will be done next weekend. We have quite a few bigger toys in the backyard (new playhouse, monkey bars, fire truck, etc.) and it makes me a little nervous to have them all in the backyard with no fence. Oh well... soon!! :)

We've had a couple of very busy weeks again... or should I say, still?! We had a multi-family garage sale at my parents' house this past weekend, which was a whole lot of work! Hours and hours pricing things (mainly the baby clothes that took all of that time!), arranging things, and then actually being there for the sale. All in all, it was quite successful, so in my eyes, it was worth it! Not as many baby clothes were sold as I had anticipated, so I guess it's time to pack them up again for a little while. Thank goodness the rain held off... it was cold and windy at times, but I welcomed the chilly weather over the rain! Thank you, Rain Gods!!

Saturday was our nephew, Blake Cameron's, 3rd birthday party! It's hard to believe that he's 3 years old already! It was a great time and the kids had fun playing outside, enjoying hot dogs for supper, and lots of playing! Thank you, Cal and Tracy, for a fun party!

The kids and I enjoyed a nice, quiet day at home yesterday. With so much go-go-go lately, I really enjoy a great jammie day at home! I'm hoping the weather turns around soon... what's with the blizzard on May 4th?! Spring is more than welcome... now if it would just arrive (again) and stay this time!! Have a great week, everyone!

The Cameron's xoxo