Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

It has definitely been a busy week getting ready for Christmas! We went shopping on Monday with my Auntie Colleen, who is such a huge help!! Colby absolutely adores her and she is so great with the kids! Thank you for coming, Auntie!! On Tuesday morning, we did a few errands and then went to my cousin, Leanne's house for a visit and little play date. Colby loves playing with Connor and misses him often. It was great to see their beautiful engagement and wedding photos while the boys played great together! On Wednesday, Jenna had her 3 month check-up! Crazy, I know!! I can't believe she's 3 months old already. I thought I was busy with just one child, but oh my, how things change with two!! I love it though! She is growing well... she now weighs 12 lbs. 2 oz. (25%ile) and is 21.6" long (not on charts yet!) with a head circumference of 38.5 cm (5%ile). So she's just a little girl! I love it, as she will hopefully stay smaller for longer?!? :) Gerry and I just can't believe it, since Colby was such a big baby and was always at the complete other end of the spectrum! Big differences between every child, hey?! While Jenna and I were at the doctor, Colby went to Auntie Colleen's bakery! Yes, she baked with him! I tell you, she has incredible patience and seems to love every minute of it!! Colby had a blast and came home with a decorated rice krispie snowman, rice krispie cookies, and chocolate-covered-decorated pretzels! Yum!! Thank you again, Auntie!

We are looking forward to a beautiful Christmas with family this year. While it's difficult to see all of our family at Christmas because we are so spread out, we are going to Grande Prairie at New Year's. The weather is supposed to be better in the next little while, so hopefully the roads improve too. Even though we don't go too often, we think it's important for our kids to know and see the other side of our extended family too. So hopefully, we can visit Gerry's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins while up there too. Tonight (Christmas Eve), it is tradition in my family to go to church for the Children's Christmas Concert Play and then we're headed back to my parents' house with her side of the family. Tomorrow morning, I am looking forward to opening our gifts (as a family of four this year!) at home on Christmas morning. It is a special day for Jenna, as we celebrate her first Christmas! Then we are hosting brunch for some of my family here. We will then head back over to my parents' house to celebrate with my dad's side of the family. It's going to be a busy house... especially with all of the kids around now (and more mobile and busy than last year!)

Merry Christmas Everyone!! Wishing you love, joy, and laughter this holiday with family and friends! We look forward to enjoying our family traditions and making many new memories too!

xoxo Gerry, Lesley, Colby and Jenna

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


As you can tell from the title of this blog, I'm pretty excited! I met my first running goal after having Jenna three months ago! I ran 5 km tonight! It has been pretty challenging to stick with my running plans developed by my best friend, Jen (who is my personal trainer!), but I'm doing my best. I typically begin my runs after the kids are in bed, which makes for later nights! But it's worth it! I feel great after having my c-section only 3 months ago and running 5 km now! I know it doesn't seem like much to a lot of people, but it's the beginning of further goals. Next up... 10km! :) Wish me luck!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy 3 Month Birthday Jenna!

I can't believe it, but my baby girl is 3 months old already today! I honestly feel like she shouldn't be this old yet and wish I could slow time down a bit. Perhaps it was my slower recovery this time in the first few weeks, but it just seems like she should be younger still. But with growing up, comes more fun, interaction, and watching her develop. Jenna goes for her 3 month check-up on Wednesday, so I will find out then how much she weighs and how long she is. I will keep you posted on that... But I think she must be over 12 lbs. now. She sure has been putting on weight quickly! In the last month, I have really noticed that she is getting some chubby cheeks and is looking more like Mommy everyday! I'm glad one of our kids looks like me! Like they say, "A chubby baby is a healthy baby" right?! Jenna is interacting more and more with her environment and is "talking" quite a bit! I love it! We have little conversations and she coos and talks in between my phrases, comments, and questions. So cute!! You know that she gets really excited when her legs and arms get going at the same time! While she is a rather serious baby (just like Colby was), she is beginning to show off some more of her smiles. I wouldn't call her a "smiley baby" just yet, but that will come too, I'm sure. She still enjoys tummy time and is doing quite well with holding her head up. Occasionally, when she goes on her tummy, she rolls to her back though and needs to be returned to her tummy! She still doesn't have much hair, which doesn't surprise me all that much, as Colby didn't have much either until he was over 1 year old. I wonder if it will take that long for her to grow some hair too?? She is sleeping really well and we are very lucky! Jenna has definitely set more of a routine for herself and eats/sleeps about the same times everyday. It's amazing how babies just know to do this (in conjunction with some sleep training too, I suppose!) At night time, she is sleeping about 8 hours, up for a bottle, and then back down for another 3 hours or so. Aah, now if only Colby would sleep in too! LOL! Colby is doing so well with her! He wants to hold her (and does quite well!), give her toys, help with her, give her her "soo-doo" when she's crying, and read stories to her. I love when he reads one of his favorites to her "Go Maisy Go". We are very lucky he is so good with her.

Jenna had her first sleepover with Colby last weekend! The kids went to my parents' house overnight when Gerry and I went to his work Christmas party. Both kids slept pretty well, but it took Jenna a while to settle down for bedtime. I wonder if Grandma and Grandpa were a bit tired the next day! We are so thankful they live so close and are so involved in our lives! We've had a great week getting ready for Christmas! I am so excited to see Colby on Christmas Eve and morning. I truly believe that we see more of the magic of the holidays with little kids around! I think it's going to be a very fun (and busy!) Christmas this year! I'm glad it had warmed up a bit last week... we were able to head out for some walks and play at the playground in the snow, which Colby LOVES!!! Last year, he was just 1 year old, so didn't enjoy the snow too much. We were curious how he would like it this year and he is having a lot of fun in it!! Hopefully we can take him sledding a couple of times when Gerry is home over Christmas.

Anyway, I better get going. Have a wonderful beginning of the week and enjoy the few days left before Christmas!

xoxo The Cameron's

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jenna... finally giving smiles

I guess the title of this blog is a bit deceiving... Jenna began smiling several weeks ago, but is quite a serious little girl, just like her brother was. She has been giving a few more smiles as the weeks go on, but today was the beginning of some "big smiles"! And to top it all off, I was able to capture a few of them on camera! She loves to lie on a blanket on the floor and kick away. We have quite the conversations during this time! LOL! I love it... her coos and many sounds are so great! Today, I think I even heard a little laugh during one of her big, toothless grins! She is growing up so quickly and I can't believe my little girl is going to be 3 months old next week. Honestly, where does the time go?! It feels like she just arrived!!

This week has been a bit "quieter" in the sense of staying at home and not having a lot of plans, but definitely not "quiet" in the sense of noise level in our house! Colby has decided not to nap anymore. A sad day for Mommy... no truly, the transition to a non-napping 2 year old is not going well. He has been very irritable and tired beyond belief. Things are okay until mid-late afternoon and then things really fall apart until a very early bedtime. Thankfully, he had a nap today during "quiet time", so it was a much more pleasant afternoon. We still have "quiet time" in the afternoons where he is allowed to read books and play quietly in his room and occasionally he is still falling asleep during this time. It's very frustrating because we know he still needs it, but he's fighting it. Hmm, seems like I was writing this about him when he was a newborn too!! Anyway, we'll get through it, just like everything else!

The warmer weather makes December 16th feel like spring! While it was still a bit chilly, it was so nice outside today compared to our recent deep freeze!! After Colby's nap today, we headed out for a walk and then stopped at the park for a few minutes. It was great to get some fresh air finally!!

We are getting very excited for Christmas and think the holidays are even more special and magical with our children!! Colby and our nephew, Landon, decorated a gingerbread train this morning, which was a lot of fun. Both boys are completely in love with choo-choos, so I thought it would be fun to have a train to decorate in addition to the house they did at Kristy's house last week. I love hearing Colby having conversations with the Santas on the Christmas cards we receive. It's so cute! He often reminds Santa what he wants for Christmas this year... a kitchen! He isn't quite understanding that every present isn't for him though. I'm trying to do some wrapping after dinner and he wants to "help" but really just wants to play or tear apart the paper. I think it's going to be a very fun Christmas morning!!

We are going to the Christmas concert at my school tomorrow night. Luckily, I was able to pull some strings and one of my friends is going to reserve a couple of seats for us at the front. I hope Colby enjoys it! I'm looking forward to seeing the staff members and seeing this year's production!

Have a great rest of the week, everyone!
xoxo The Cameron's

Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Colby!

Wow, I can't believe our little boy is 2 years old already! Time is sure flying by, especially now that we have two beautiful children! We had a great weekend! We spent most of Friday night and Saturday getting ready for the big party on Saturday afternoon/evening. On Saturday morning, Colby was excited to head downstairs to see what Mommy and Daddy bought him for a present. He and Daddy spent most of the morning putting together his new train table!! He LOVES trains, so has been in heaven since his new train set has been together! It makes sounds and lights up... I think it will be great in the cold winter months ahead! We had 25 adults and 11 children here for the big celebration! We had a yummy dinner and enjoyed time with and friends. It was a fun "Thomas" party with Thomas decorations and a cake. Sadly, my attempt of a cake was a disaster this year and after decorating for a few hours, I was so unhappy with it that I threw it in the trash at 1:00 am on Saturday morning!! Not a good night! Thank goodness IGA came to our rescue and made him a great Thomas cupcake cake! It looked fantastic and was very yummy. Colby enjoyed the singing (and even joined in for a bit of "Happy Birthday") but wasn't such a fan of the sparklers. The DQ ice cream cake was also a yummy treat, despite the very cold weather! Thank you to everyone who came to help Colby celebrate, not to mention spoil him with gifts! We're so fortunate to have such great family and friends close by!! :)

Yesterday, my sister, Kristy, and I took the babies to the Butterdome Craft Sale. It was very busy there, but I did manage to get a couple of Christmas gifts and a new baby sling for carrying Jenna. I tried it while I was there and she loved it. It was great to have both of my hands free. I have been pretty skeptical and wasn't sure how they worked (or were comfortable), but she really seemed to enjoy it... even had a good nap in it! Kyle was on call and in this very cold weather, was very busy with service calls. So Gerry stayed home with Colby and Landon for most of the day. They had a great time together with "just the boys"! We set up the Christmas tree last night, which Colby really seemed to enjoy. Now we have the daunting task of keeping him away from it and not touching or pulling ornaments off. I hope it's a bit better than last year... he had just turned 1 when we put it up and during the month of December and sadly, our tree toppled over a couple of times. He loves having it on and wants it turned on first thing in the morning. :) It's great that he's understanding Christmas and is excited about "Santa, Chiss-iss trees, deca-a-tions and lights." It has been a lot of fun so far just getting ready for the holidays.

Today, on Colby's actual birthday, he had his 2 year check-up at the doctor. He weighs 30 lbs. (75 %ile) and is 36.6 inches tall (95 %ile). Wow! He's going to be a tall boy! According to Dr. Currie and the "double their height at two for their adult height" theory, he should be about 6'3"! He's doing fantastic developmentally and she was quite impressed with his advanced vocabulary and gross-motor abilities. Although she did warn me that some kids like this can be more difficult to potty-train because they're very "in control". Hmm, wonder where he gets that from?!? LOL! He is already wanting to do a lot of things "by myself" or "Colby do it". Independence has definitely set in. We are also going to try giving up his afternoon nap. It has been taking him a VERY long time to fall asleep at naptime and bedtime, making bedtime very late lately. So with eliminating the nap, he will most likely be ready for bed much earlier. We'll see how it goes... today was great and he was very happy throughout the day. We met Gerry at the TLC after work and went swimming as a family. Colby loves swimming, so we thought it would be a great way to spend some family time on his birthday. It was Jenna's first time swimming!! She loved it! She was content the entire time, except for getting out and being cold! We'll definitely have to do it again soon. Then we headed for pizza for supper and then home for a cupcake and bedtime. Whew! What a great day! :)

I had a great "conversation" with Jenna tonight. She is sure beginning to "talk", which is so adorable. One of her favorite sounds is "ah-goo". I quite enjoy our evenings together and spending some quiet one-on-one time with her, since our days are so busy with Colby up too. She's beginning to smile a bit more now (although is quite a serious little girl still), which always melts my heart! Just can't seem to snuggle her enough! :)

Hope everyone is staying warm in this cold snap! I don't mind the snow, but I certainly could do without the -30 degree weather. Take care and stay warm!

Lesley xoxo

Friday, December 4, 2009

Here comes the snow!

We were very lucky in November and had a beautiful fall, so I guess it only makes sense that we pay for it now at the beginning of December. This is very similar to two years ago when I had Colby... it was VERY cold and windy the day we came home from the hospital. It's looking like a deep freeze is ahead for us for the next couple of weeks! Eeek! It sure makes it more difficult to get out regularly when it's that cold!!

We've had a great week... on Tuesday we had a play date visit from friends Tara and her girls, Logan and Kenedy. I love that our kids are so close in age. Colby is about 6 weeks younger than Logan and Jenna is 15 days older than Kenedy. We always have a great time (and chat) when we're together! On Wednesday, Colby went to Becky's (our new dayhome) for the day. He was there from 9:30-3:30 and had a nap there for the first time. Everything was fine, once we actually got there. He cried and cried, "No Becky's house", which completely broke my heart!! However, when we got there, he was fine and had a great day there! He even went to sleep in about 5 minutes at nap time. Hmm... not quite like that at home!! Yesterday, we packed up nice and early and headed into WEM for a day of Christmas shopping with Kristy and her boys, along with my Auntie Colleen. It was a great day (and even a bit productive with the shopping list)! It was so nice having Auntie Colleen with us... she's so great with the kids and it was great to have another pair of hands to help with the big boys or the babies! Thanks for coming, Auntie!! The snow began this morning, so we haven't left the house yet today. It has been really nice having a quiet day at home just playing, coloring, playing with play dough, reading, and cuddling. :) We've been trying to get ready for Colby's birthday party tomorrow night, so that has occupied quite a bit of our time this week. Looking forward to having friends and family over! I can't believe he's going to be 2 years old already. Where does the time go?!?

Colby will go for his 2 year check up on Monday and I'm interested to see how much he has grown. They say that you can estimate a child's adult height by doubling their height at age 2. Right now, I think he's about 36 inches tall, so he should be close to 6 feet?! We'll have to see... He is such a character! I don't know where he comes up with the things he says, but I love it! He loves his trains and can be occupied with building train tracks and playing "choo choos" for hours at a time. Also topping his list of favorites are cars and trucks (with trailers, of course!). He has been great with Jenna and is starting to interact with her more now than ever before. He still isn't such a fan of holding her, although he enjoys it when she sits beside him on the couch. He will bring her toys and talk with her regularly, which is really cute!!

Jenna is doing well... sleeping great, which is nice! Okay, let me re-phrase that... she's sleeping great at night, not so much during the day. Last night, she slept for 7 hours! Yippee!! I was pleasantly surprised! She is having troubles napping though. She falls asleep no problem in my arms, but then as soon as I lay her down, she's awake. Occasionally she can put herself back to sleep, but not every time. She really likes motion and quite enjoys her swing now, which is a change from when she was first born. She loves sitting and snuggling with everyone and loves to face outward and look around at everything. The world is a big place and she wants to take it in, I guess! I enjoy seeing her bat at toys on her playmat and enjoy tummy time, too. She likes to lay and kick, while talking to her toys. Her little "coos" melt my heart! :) Sadly, she isn't a fan of her car seat, so she cries quite a bit in the car. While shopping at WEM yesterday, I laid her down in the back of the double stroller and she did so much better!! I think that will be the plan for a while now whenever in the stroller for a while! I really do with time would slow down... every day, week, and month seem to pass by way too quickly. I just try to remind myself to stop and enjoy every moment, especially because they grow so quickly when they're this small. I have found one big bonus for having a baby on the smaller end of the spectrum... maybe she'll stay smaller for longer?! :) That's what I keep telling myself!

I am enjoying running again and working out. I have been running three times a week and am aiming for a short-term goal of 5km again. At first I was doing some short intervals of running and walking, but now I'm able to do stretches of just running again, which is very motivating. Thanks to my "trainer" Jen who creates my running programs for me! :) I am also attending a Step Class at the TLC on Thursday nights. Man, is it ever a work out!! I was pretty tired after 15 minutes of the first class! I do like to change things up and try different types of workouts too. I'm glad I have such an amazing and supportive husband who takes care of the kids in the evenings and does bath time a couple times a week so I can attend these things. :)

Anyway, nap time should be nearly over... Yes, both of the kids are sleeping at the same time!! Woo hoo! I consider that a big accomplishment! LOL! I'll keep you posted on the big birthday party! Have a great weekend everyone!
