Friday, October 19, 2007

A very busy week!

This week has been pretty crazy!! On Tuesday night, we started our prenatal classes at the Misericordia Hospital. It was interesting... Gerry didn't particularly enjoy the birthing video that was shown or the anatomy and physiology discussion that took place. Other than that, it was alright. We got a tour of the hospital, which was good. I sure hope that there aren't too many women having babies on the day that I go in so that we can get a theme room!!! They are quite luxurious private rooms decorated by Edmonton hotels... and they only have 4 of them! Kristy was in one during her last night at the hospital and it was so nice! Wish us luck...

I then had Parent-Teacher Interviews on Wednesday and Thursday nights, so they were both late nights. Not getting very much sleep to begin with and then working late is not so fun. A few people went back to one of our friend's places in Edmonton last night for some drinks. It was a late night too, but very fun. Thanks, Bryn!

Hooray for Modified School Days... I didn't have to work today (Friday, Oct. 19th)! I was so happy to sleep in, then take a nap even. :) I'm glad I got to catch up on some needed sleep and hope that this weekend proves to be more of that with few plans as of right now. Fingers crossed!

The nursery is coming together (minus the crib still!) and it's looking really good. I'm excited for our crib to come in, as that's one of the last big things to put in there. It has been VERY delayed (we were supposed to get it at the end of August!) but apparently it's now in Vancouver in customs. Perhaps another week and a half... good thing we ordered it when we did!

Our little man has been very active these days! No wonder I'm having troubles sleeping with continuous kicks and rolls happening whenever I lie down for some rest. Although I'm not complaining as I truly love to feel his every movement and think I'm going to miss it in a few weeks! 6 more weeks to go until my due date and only 3 more weeks of work!!! I cannot believe how fast my third trimester has gone! He'll be here before we know it!

Have a great weekend everyone and talk soon!

Friday, October 12, 2007

He's getting ready.....

I had another doctor's appointment today... I'm now 33 weeks. All went really well and I'm measuring exactly 33 cm, which was a relief to me. I was worried I was going to be bigger again this week. The baby has finally moved into the proper head-down position, which was really good news. At my last appointment, he was still lying in a transverse position and my doctor was hoping that he would move downward by 34 weeks at the lastest. He did, so that's good! When she took the heartbeat, it was incredibly high at first (158 bpm)! It was so high because she was poking around trying to find his head. It was dropping to its norm after a minute when she stopped pushing around on him in there. I'm sure he was wondering what was going on and why someone was pushing around on his head!

I'm feeling pretty good these days, just feeling extremely tired. I'm sleeping not too badly, just never long enough it seems. My days at school are very long and I'm quite tired by midday. The drive isn't helping for sure... it adds an hour and a half to my day! Only 17 more teaching days with kids, so the time is flying by really quickly. My last day of work is Thursday, November 8th. It's going to be tough to leave my kids that I've taught for a year and two months, but I also think I'm going to be ready for the time off!

We start our prenatal classes at the Misericordia Hospital on Tuesday night. They run every Tuesday from October 16th from 7:30-9:30 pm until November 6th. I'm looking forward to the information and relieving some of my anxieties about a few things!

I also have a new adventure... I am now a Stampin' Up Demonstrator, so I'm looking forward to putting my passion and excitement of scrapbooking and cardmaking into practice with others! I'll be sending out some more information on this new adventure via email soon, but hopefully I can see you soon for a home party or something!

Hope all is well with you! Enjoy the weekend ahead!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A new nephew!!!

It has been an incredibly CRAZY week... the final preparations for my sister's wedding kept us busy enough, but on top of all of that, my sister, Kristy and my brother-in-law, Kyle, welcomed their son into the world on Thursday afternoon!!! I am so glad that both are doing fine now and we have an absolutely adorable new nephew, Landon Don Boe. I can't wait for our son to meet his cousin, Landon, very soon!!!
Jody's wedding went very well... it was a gorgeous day and everything was great. I was very nervous to do my reading at the church, but even more nervous to co-MC the evening with Kristy. All was fine once we got underway and we even got several comments on the program, which was really nice! It was a really fun, but very eventful and tiring day. I was silly enough to dance to the New Kids on the Block dance with my sisters and the Schram girls just like old times! I can't believe I did the "Running Rabbit" while 8 months pregnant! Looking back, probably not the best idea I've ever had! Gerry was a little upset I subjected our child to the singing and dancing of NKOTB!!! LOL! We came home by about 11:30. When we got home and I tried to lie down to go to sleep, the baby thought it was time to get up and play for a while apparently! It was not a very restful sleep, as I kept waking up to kicks and rolls throughout the night! :( I couldn't believe how run down I felt... glad it's a long weekend to get some more rest before another busy week at school.
I only have one more month of school left! My last day of work is Thursday, November 8th, which will come quickly, I'm sure. September flew by with being really busy, so I'm sure October will as well.
Happy Birthday, Mom!!! My mom is celebrating her 50th birthday today!!! Hope you have a fantastic day, Mom! Love you!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the long weekend! I'm sure counting my blessings... I have a lot to be thankful for in my life!!
