Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Last night (Nov. 26), my sister, Kristy, came over to take a few pregnancy pictures of Gerry and I before it's too late! Thanks so much, Kristy! We set up our own little photo studio in our living room and she got some great shots of my belly and the two of us. It was a lot of fun, but moving around while sitting on the floor proved to be the most challenging part of all!! LOL! Hopefully soon we'll have a baby to take lots of pictures of instead of a big belly!

Take care,

Monday, November 26, 2007

The wait continues...

The waiting game is on... I am nearly 40 weeks pregnant and Saturday is my due date! We're very excited, but are also waiting anxiously for this little man to arrive. On Saturday (Nov. 24), I woke up thinking that my water had broken, so we headed into the hospital to get everything checked out. Turns out it was a false alarm and my membranes hadn't ruptured yet. :( Hopefully soon... if nothing happens this week, I go back to see my doctor on Friday morning for another check-up. I'm trying to stay busy during the day while Gerry's at work and continue to do a lot of sleeping. Those who truly know me know that sleeping is one of my favorite past times! I know I'm definitely in for lack of sleep very soon, so I'm trying not to feel guilty for sleeping as much as I want now!

We attended another baptism yesterday (Nov. 25). Our nephew, Blake, was baptized at Pilgrim United Church in Edmonton. He was such a great baby in church and didn't make a peep at all! He looked adorable in his corduroy pants, dress shirt, and sweater vest. Too cute! Cal and Tracy hosted a lovely lunch afterwards and it was great to visit with everyone at their house.

Hopefully soon I'll be able to create a post indicating we are now a family of three! Keep your fingers crossed for us! :)


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Non-Stress Test

Last night (Nov. 21), I went to the hospital when Gerry got home and was monitored for a while including a non-stress test on the baby. I haven't been feeling well over the past few days (awful sinus thing again) and haven't felt the baby move much. I was getting somewhat worried, so I called Labour & Delivery and they asked me to come in and get checked out. We were there for about an hour and a half and they monitored his heart rate, movements, as well as any contractions. Turns out everything is fine, thank goodness. His heart rate was very "reactive", which they like to see. There were lots of spikes and dips, which shows a strong heartbeat and active movement. I felt silly for going in there since everything was okay, but they kept reassuring me that it's better to come in than not!

As I said, I haven't been feeling well and really wish that I could take some medication to get over whatever this is! Too bad I can't... :( I'm trying to get lots of rest, as I really want to be over this before he decides to arrive! Wish me luck... :) I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow (39 weeks), so I'll keep you posted!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another appointment...

I had another doctor's appointment today (37 1/2 weeks). Usually my appointments are on Fridays and have been all along, but because the clinic moved into a new building on Friday, I had to go today. Everything was fine... heartbeat was a little bit higher than it has been lately (140-145 bpm). She said he's still in the head-down position and is ready anytime now, since term is considered 37 weeks. I had lost a little bit of weight, but she wasn't too concerned about it, as my fundal height measurement increased by 1 cm. So now I'm 36 cm, which is in the normal range (2 cm + or - is considered normal). I also got my prenatal papers, which I need to carry with me at all times and take into the hospital when I go. Now's just the waiting game.....

I'm beginning to adjust to being at home a little easier. It has been rather strange to be home all day by myself and not have school work to be thinking about or working on. Everyday is a little easier, especially if I try to keep busy. Today I had some errands to do after my appointment and then spent a few hours cleaning. I'm trying to get the house really clean so that I don't have to worry about things when he decides to come! With the craziness that has been the past couple of weeks at school, the housework has definitely taken a back seat, so now is my time to catch up! I'm pretty sleepy from my cleaning... must have time for a nap before Gerry gets home!! :)

Talk soon,

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Nursery!

Our long-awaited crib FINALLY arrived on Friday, November 9th.
We picked it up from e-children on Saturday while doing a bunch
of errands and shopping for last-minute baby stuff in the city. We were very excited to put it together and finish up the room. It felt really great putting everything in his room and see it come together. I have one more little project that I want to do this week (hopefully!). I'm going to paint wooden letters that spell out his name to mount above his crib. Hopefully that gets done this week!

I demonstrated my first Stampin' Up! home party at Kristy's house yesterday. It was a lot of fun and I think quite successful (for my first one!). Thanks to everyone who came and I hope you liked the cards we made!

I'm trying to catch up on some rest now that I'm at home. I have to admit, it's still quite strange to be home all day with Gerry gone to work. I'm not quite adjusted yet, but I'm sure it will seem natural soon. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I will keep you posted on how everything goes! I can't believe I'm due in 2 1/2 weeks... my third trimester has definitely flown by!!!


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Last day!

I cannot believe this day has finally arrived... but it is my last day of teaching today! I have been very emotional this week, but it was especially difficult this morning on my drive in to school. I am feeling so many mixed emotions... excitement, worry, sadness, anxiety, and the list goes on. It makes it so much more real now that I will be beginning my maternity leave tomorrow! Teaching is such a huge part of my life and it will be strange to not teach for quite a while! I am truly going to miss my students who I have taught since the beginning of last year when they entered my classroom as grade four students. It's going to be difficult to say goodbye to them today, but will be back to visit often! Can't wait to see them all perform at the Christmas Concert! We have such a close knit staff at school that I'm really going to miss. Thank you to all for the good wishes! I'm going to miss being at Entwistle School...

Take care,

Saturday, November 3, 2007


I had my 36 week doctor's appointment yesterday (Friday, Nov. 2). The baby's heartbeat was between 125 and 130, slightly lower than it has been for several months. She said he must be pretty relaxed! I am only measuring 35 cm still (same as last week), but she wasn't too concerned because he's been very active and I gained weight throughout the week. Perhaps next week he will have grown a bit so my measurements catch up to my weeks... guess we'll have to wait and see! He has been very active, especially in the afternoons and evenings. I feel a lot of rolling and body parts like elbows and feet kicking my ribs! My doctor thinks I have dropped a little bit, which I feel as well. She also did an internal and I am beginning to efface and am 1 cm dilated already! Hopefully this pace continues so I'm not much overdue, if any at all! Maybe he'll arrive closer to my original due date of November 23......

I only have 4 more teaching days... my last day of work is on Thursday, November 8th! :) I'm looking forward to the time off, as I haven't been feeling so great lately. I've had headaches daily and am very tired. My days at school have been pretty long trying to get ready for the new teachers taking over my position, so it makes for some very long days! Only 4 more though, so I'm hanging in there!!

Next week is our last prenatal class at the Misericordia Hospital. The last couple of sessions have been very informative (stages of labor, pain relief, c-sections, etc.). Gerry didn't enjoy the stages of labor talk so much (with yet another very graphic video!) I think he'll be happy that they're over this week.

We're loving being an Auntie and Uncle to Landon Boe! He's so adorable and LOVES to snuggle, which makes Auntie very happy! :) Hopefully our little man enjoys snuggling too! Gerry is really good with him too! We are STILL awaiting the arrival of our crib! I am getting very frustrated with the situation, as it was supposed to arrive at the end of August, but now we're told should be here this week. I just want to finish setting up the nursery to feel somewhat more prepared!!

