Friday, February 11, 2011

Writing and Reading

I LOVE when our kids hit new milestones. Something truly special about growing up and doing new things. Here's a picture of a new thing Colby can do!

He is learning to write his name! I absolutely love this photo (and his big proud smile!) of his name on his MagnaDoodle. We will keep working on the "y" but I think he's doing pretty great for a 3 year old. Good job, buddy!! :)

Jenna LOVES reading! Music to Mom's ears, right?! ;) Yes, yes, as a teacher, I love seeing children of any age reading and enjoying it. We will often find Jenna sitting on her little Dora couch or just on the floor in her room beside her bookcase reading some of her favourites! Love it!!

One of the books I read while I was pregnant with Colby was called "Reading Magic" by Mem Fox. I love Mem Fox and was very fortunate to meet her (and get a few books signed) at Convention a couple of years ago. The book speaks to the importance of reading aloud to your children from the day they are born. As I taught Early Literacy in the past and enjoy teaching Language Arts at any grade, I realize the importance of reading readiness skills. The book suggested reading 3 books aloud per day, every day. I found it was quite manageable when I was at home on maternity leave, but now that I'm back at work, it's a bit more challenging! Thankfully, we still manage to fit it in! :)


Unknown said...

Hey there Cameron Family,
All that literacy warms my heart! I think the "y" is lovely. So glad Jenna's ear surgery went as well as it did!

Gerry and Lesley said...

Hi Susan!
Thank you for your comment! So sweet of you! Yes, I love that my kids are enjoying literacy so much at a young age :) Take care and hope to see you soon. Coffee date one day?